Sluggish To Sporty: The Best Ways To Boost Your Fitness

Sick of feeling sluggish, running out of energy by midday and finding yourself huffing and puffing even running for a bus? Check out these tips for boosting your fitness levels:

Fitting exercise into daily life

Fitting exercise into daily life can be easier than you think, simple acts like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and choosing to walk to work will all have the numbers on your Fitbit increasing- with you becoming increasingly fitter. Have you ever sat in traffic on the way to work wishing it was four o’clock already? Consider cycling or walking instead, there are no traffic jams to worry about when you’re not on the roads. This light exercise gives you the chance to clear your thoughts and think about the day ahead while boosting your fitness levels. People often say they have no time for exercise, but walking or cycling to work, the shops or other short journeys is something that most of us could manage. Small actions from us add up on the road to being healthier. Arrange days out that naturally involve a lot of walking, such as exploring a new city, or play with your kids in the garden. It doesn’t always have to be structured exercise.

Join A Sports Team

Joining a sports team can be a great way of getting fit and improving your social life. You get to meet new, like-minded people and build skills while improving your fitness. Team sports like hockey, football and basketball are fun to play as well as watch; if you’re passionate about the sport then find tickets online at places like Before you know it you will be cheering your team watching them play live, and maybe even picking up a few pointers! Maybe you prefer a 1vs1 sport like tennis if you have a friend or partner to play with, these kinds of sports will certainly get your heart rate up and burn some calories. Or perhaps a round of golf, golf can be very relaxing, you are in a natural environment where the grounds are beautifully taken care of and with the sun shining it’s probably is one of the nicest ways to get some fresh air and exercise. Then there’s the individual sport like martial arts classes, it teaches you great morals and values, self-discipline and gets you fit. This caters for all levels and most, so whether you are 4 years old or 70 and just beginning there will be a class for you. 

Go To The Gym

If you prefer really structured exercise then it can be so beneficial to go to the gym. A routine workout can give you a sense of accomplishment, and the different pieces of equipment allow you to work on different body parts on each session. If you go along with a buddy you can have friendly competitions and challenge each other, though don’t fall into the trap when working with a partner who wants to skip the gym if the others are not going! If you’re a gym newbie, inductions are always available if you request one, so you’re in safe hands as to how much and which exercises you should be doing.