
Getting The Legal Help You Need

In life, you can never know exactly what lies around the next corner. It is unfortunate, but at one point or another, many of us will have the kind of problems that require legal assistance. This might be relating to divorce, an estate, for business reasons, or you may have been charged with a crime. 

Often, the kinds of situations that you will need an attorney to help you with can be extremely stressful. It can be hard to know what you should do for the best in these kinds of situations, and 

Choosing Your Attorney

When picking your attorney, you should consider what type of experience they have with the situation that they are in. Choosing a specialist in the area you require is essential, as they will have the most success at getting you the results you need. Many smaller law firms might cover a broad range. While you shouldn’t necessarily be discouraged from appointing someone at a small firm, there is a chance that they may need to refer you to an attorney that has a greater degree of specialism if the matter requires.

Your Initial Consultation

When meeting with an attorney such as Tully Rinckey for the first time, you’ll get the opportunity to talk through your case and discuss potential outcomes and what you hope to achieve from it. 

While you may be nervous about this first meeting, it is vital that you outlay the specifics of the case in a way that allows the attorney to make an assessment within the time frame of the consultation. 

Be honest with the attorney. If they are to work for you, they need to know everything. Anything you tell them will be confidential, so trust in the fact that they will deal with your situation with the sensitivity that you require.

The amount of time you’ll get to talk about the case on an initial consultation will be minimal, so you’ll need to be concise. Make a list of the critical points of the case, and provide this information without deviation. If the attorney requires more details about a point, they will ask you for anything they feel is relevant. 

If there is information such as documents surrounding the case, you can bring this to your consultation, but at this stage, limit the amount that you take. While it is useful to let the attorney know about the information that is available to support the case, providing too much at this stage can be overwhelming.

Getting The Right Outcome

Have a clear idea of what kind of outcome you hope to achieve, and let the attorney know. This will help in structuring the case. It will also be an opportunity for you to find out whether or not this is achievable. An attorney may suggest that you take another route if they feel it offers a better chance for you. 

Often, the best solution in any situation is to take a settlement. This might seem like a compromise, and you may not get the full result that you wanted. However, it can save a lot of money in legal fees. You’ll also get resolution quicker, meaning the situation won’t be hanging over your head for too long.