
Hobbies That Will Help You Get Your Steps In

The American Heart Association recommends taking 10000 steps a day. While this number isn’t an exact science in itself, there are countless benefits to walking more. More steps means that you are more active. It means that you spend less time sat still. It boosts your circulation. Walking more is good for your heart and your muscles, it helps you to maintain a healthy weight, or lose weight and increases your stamina. Getting a walk after dinner can improve your digestion and make it easier to get a good night’s sleep. 

But, it’s often harder than we think it’s going to be. We all buy activity trackers and assume that they’ll tell us that we’re already walking more than we need to. Then, we find that a day at work, or doing chores at home is only about 5000. With small increases, you can add a few, but to get to 10000 every day, you usually need to go out for an extended walk. Having a hobby that adds steps to your day can be a massive help. Even if you only do it once a week, it can give your average a brilliant boost. 


Golf is a fantastic hobby if you want to walk more and get more exercise without having to break a big sweat or spend hours at the gym. Look at Fiddler’s Creek golf pro shop for the equipment that you need, and hit the course. You’ll do thousands of steps walking between the holes, you’ll get some exercise, you’ll spend time relaxing, and you’ll have a great chance to chat with your friends.


Photography isn’t the first hobby that you think of when focusing on walking more. And you are unlikely to do that many steps if you base your work in a studio. But, if you practice your skills out in nature, taking shots of landscapes and wildlife, you’ll walk to find the perfect shots, and the more you walk, the more you’ll get. 


Of course, walking itself is a fantastic hobby, and there’s no better way to get your daily steps in than going for a walk. You might choose to go for a walk around your block after dinner or to walk to work instead of driving, which is great. But, if you want to make the most of your hobby, try hiking, or walking out in nature. You’ll get your steps in, you’ll see more of the world around you, and you’ll feel less stressed out.    


Baking might seem counterproductive, but not all bakes are unhealthy, and those that are aren’t bad for you as long as you enjoy them in moderation, as part of a healthy and balanced diet. 

While when you bake, you might spend most of your time in the same room, you’ll be walking around your kitchen for ingredients, moving around as you whisk and going between the oven and the sink. Making a cake might take more steps than you could imagine. Kneading bread is even better.