Former Members of Alpha Rho Chapter, DST Sorority, Inc. Create $25,000 Endowment At Shaw University
Alpha Rho Chapter’s endowment is first by any Greek organization at Shaw…
Raleigh, NC – Shaw University’s Homecoming 2019 commemorated many major milestone dates, including the 85th anniversary of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In honor of the anniversary, Alpha Rho became the first Greek organization, male or female, to establish an endowed scholarship on the campus of Shaw University. The organization made the presentation to Dr. Paulette Dillard, president of Shaw University, at the 2019 EPIC Gala on Friday evening (October 18th).

Alpha Rho launched the endowment campaign in June, and to date, over 50 former AlphaRho members representing over 20 pledge lines have invested in the endowment fund, with monies still coming in. Wanting to make a large and lasting impact for the institution, the members decided on an endowed scholarship fund as the best way to support students and the overall progress of the institution.
The organizers of the effort, Ayoka Gay ’02 and Marshika Vickers ’99, know first-hand the impact of scholarship support, having both been Presidential Scholars as undergrads. Gay shared, “Being afforded me the opportunity to concentrate on just being a student. I could give my full attention to my classes, building relationships, taking advantage of experiential learning opportunities – all these things ultimately set me up to have the life and career I have today. I will always advocate for any initiative that gives students that same opportunity.”
Dr. Dillard also issued a challenge to Shaw’s other Greek organizations, saying that “Alpha Rho has exhibited leadership by investing in the future of their alma mater, and I look forward to Shaw’s other Greek organizations picking up the gauntlet and doing likewise.”
About Alpha Rho: Chartered on June 17, 1934, Alpha Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was the 1st sorority chartered on Shaw University’s campus, and the 3rd undergraduate chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. chartered in NC. Alpha Rho members have represented nearly every capacity of Shaw student life as undergraduates, including SGA president, class officers, Miss Shaw University, Miss Homecoming, other organizational queens, Presidential Scholars, Honors College leadership, Student Ambassadors, Student Development Counselors, Resident Advisors, and more.
About Shaw: Shaw University, a private liberal arts university located in vibrant downtown Raleigh, has been dedicated to providing every student with access to the opportunities that will lead them to a brighter future since 1865. Shaw engages every individual student through educational excellence and empowers them to make an impact in their communities and the world. Excellence. Opportunity. This is Shaw U! Learn more at