
If You Want To Start A Solar Company, Go For It

About fifteen years ago, upstart billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk got involved with the solar panel industry. He had this grand notion that one day, not so far in the future, it would be how the world got its electricity. At the time, people ridiculed him for being hopelessly optimistic. But as the years have worn on, it looks like he might have been right. Solar really will take over the world. 

Photo: Pixabay – CC0 License


There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is the environmental lobby. It’s much bigger and more powerful than it was fifteen years ago, and it shapes government policy. It takes a brave politician to suggest that a country continues to pursue fossil fuels. It’s much easier to go along with the green agenda – or at least pay lip service to it. 

The second and more important reason is the price. We’ve been on an exponentially-declining cost curve in solar for about forty years. Now it’s reached the point where the cost is so low; it is comparable to coal in some parts of the world. Incredibly, prices continue to decline as production scales up, and this incentivizes more investment. More new capacity is solar today than anything else. 

If you’re an entrepreneur and want to get into the solar business, then now is the time. We’re on the cusp of a revolution, and there will be many winners, not just one or two. You could find yourself sitting on top of something very lucrative, indeed, and you don’t even have to have an original idea. Just riding the wave of progress will get you a long way. 

Become An Educator

If you’re looking for success in solar, you’ll need to become an educator. Remember, solar is a complicated subject, and very few people understand it. There are a lot of concerns out there about the impact of the new technology and the benefits that it will bring. People are rightly skeptical. 

Your task, therefore, is to teach customers and clients about why they should choose solar. Remind them about the price and environmental advantages. Please don’t leave them in any doubt that it is the best solution. 

Get Support

There’s no need to conduct your operations solo. Flex Fleet – a truck hire company – suggests that solar firms supplement their existing fleets. There’s no need to bring all your costs in-house. Renting resources over peak periods is a perfectly viable option. 

Photo: Pixabay – CC0 License

Doing this helps you enormously. It slashes your fixed costs and reduces your risk. You’re able to scale freely and don’t have to worry about sunk costs. You just adjust your spending according to the number of jobs you need to complete. 

Build Your Community

When it comes to solar, building a community is essential. You want to convince people that what you’re doing is not only good for their pocketbooks but the world at large. Once you create a group of people committed to the success of renewables, you build strong loyalty. Tesla did this, and you can too.