
Why Integrity Matters In Business

When it comes to core values, integrity is possibly the highest of all. Without integrity, there is no honesty, no truth, and no accountability. In the world of business, if you don’t have these core values, then you will lose the trust of your internal and external stakeholders. If you are an employee, then you will lose the respect and trust of your boss. Either way, when the chips are down, without integrity, you have no one in your corner.

Put in the most simple terms, integrity is always doing the right thing, even when no one else is looking. If you can build your life around integrity, then you will have a stronger relationship, deeper connections, and your peers will always trust you.

As a leader, there should be a culture of integrity build within the culture of your business. You should be the beacon of light that sets this example. It collectively enables your workforce to do the right thing. If your team cannot demonstrate trust and confidence, then your whole business loses value.

Over the years, we have seen big businesses go through disasters, the ones that have taken responsibility and admitted fault, then worked to fix the issue, always manage to save their brands. This is because the stakeholders – which includes the consumers – understand that all humans can make mistakes. Errors are part of life. It is how we deal with errors that matter. Integrity leads to accountability which leads to trust.

The difference between honesty and integrity is that while most of us would say we are open and honest in business, we may be tempted to rationalize white lies. This could be over-promising our services or tweaking what we can do to win a pitch, and it could also be overstating the value of a product. Integrity won’t allow for this, and it matters because you won’t end up putting yourself in a position where you fail to deliver. One of the most devastating things you can do to new business relationships is to over promise and under deliver. This is why integrity, at all times, even on the smallest of things, matters.

Photo by Christina Morillo

Employees that have this culture of integrity driven from the top will repay you in their loyalty too. Again, you might have an employee who makes a mistake. Perhaps they were caught up in an ‘operating a vehicle while under the influence’ (OUI) charge. If they come to you and openly admit their mistakes and show accountability, you could help their hardship license lawyer to ensure they can still get to work and won’t lose their job. If they aren’t open and honest from the start, then you may feel less inclined to help. You should always reward people if they show integrity. It is a tough thing to do. If your business is a reflection of your core values, then your employees will naturally adopt this culture of integrity.

As a leader, you should encourage your employees to speak freely. And if you are employed, then you should always feel confident to speak up. The most innovative ideas come from an environment of trust. If someone suggests something terrible, you tell them. If they come up with something good, you reward it. Your criticism should always be constructive; being brutally honest doesn’t mean you should be brutal. However, telling someone their idea is excellent, then passing it by and doing something else could leave them with a feeling of distrust. How will they believe you the next time you say you liked something. They will lose confidence in you and their ideas.

If you believe your team leader or your boss is wrong, a person with integrity will always raise the issue. They won’t sit quietly and nod, then allow resentment to build. You must learn how to raise concerns with your boss, constructively and respectfully. Once you have voiced your concerns, it is then up to them to do something about it. If they choose not to, then you should respect their decisions, but, they will likely have more respect for you for being able to air your concerns.

Regardless of your position within a company, integrity will ensure that you are always trusted, respected, and liked. Your opinions will always be listened to, and you will get the best out of the team you have around you. Integrity doesn’t have an on / off switch, so remember to carry this as one of your core values in your personal life too.