Durham Nonprofits Encouraged To Complete Reusable Face Masks Request Form
County to distribute FEMA masks to local nonprofits through July
Durham, NC – Durham County Government is asking any interested nonprofit based in and serving the Durham community to complete a short form online to request reusable cloth face masks.
Once mask requests are received and reviewed, County staff will contact nonprofit representatives with further instructions on scheduling a pickup appointment.

Masks are to be used primarily for nonprofit staff and volunteers and may be used for unmasked clients as well. Contactless, drive-through mask distribution events will take place at the Durham Convention Center on select dates through July. Masks will be available while supplies last.
Durham County recently received a shipment of reusable cloth face masks from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for distribution to area nonprofits. This distribution effort supports the Durham and state orders requiring the wearing of masks in public in order to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Nonprofit organizations can access the form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=owBqwQlWwEeywnLYY140I61EzRiucoRDq2CIlN8KKqBUM1hJVlFMRzBXQzdRMEVHRTFZNDVWSTBYMS4u. To view the Spanish translated survey, click the toggle in the upper right corner and select español.
Durham County thanks community partners the Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center and the Durham Convention Center for their support in this initiative.
For questions about this nonprofit mask distribution effort, email nonprofitmasks@dconc.gov. For more information about Durham County’s COVID-19 response, visit here.