
5 Tactics To Keep You & Your Passengers Safe On The Road

Only a tiny percentage of families in the US lack at least one vehicle. After all, a safe car is needed for everyday life in most of the US. Of course, with so many vehicles on the road, accidents do happen. Unfortunately, some of these can cause a great deal of damage both to person and property. Fortunately, some strategies can make sure you and your passengers are as safe as possible while on the road. Keep reading to find out what they are.


First of all, before we get into how you should be driving, it is essential to consider how you can prepare for a safer journey and experience. Of course, this means that before you even set off, you need to make regular checks on things, including your tires, breaks, oil levels, and lights.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio

There are also a few things that you should always keep in your car in case of emergencies. One of these is a first aid kit that should be stocked with plasters, alcohol wipes, paracetamol. It is also an excellent idea to have a few sterile bandages and dressing in your kit. Just in case you or another party is injured far away from medical help. In fact, being able to stem the bleeding could make all the difference to the possibility of a full recovery.

Additionally, you should keep some safety basics such as a blanket, some drinking water, and a flashlight in your boot. Of course, concerning the latter investing in a good quality product like the Streamlight led flashlight is the best idea. After all, they are what emergency service professionals use, so you can be sure they will be the most reliable and effective option.

Finally, when it comes to preparation, do not forget that insurance and roadside cover is essential. In fact, driving without insurance is not only an unnecessary risk but illegal, so be sure to check that your cover is comprehensive and that it is up to date.

Watch your speed

Even those who would not consider ourselves adrenaline junkies or speed demons can find the needle on the speedometer edging up from time to time. This is because it’s easy to end up going over the speed limit if you are late for an appointment, in a bad mood, or even if your favorite song comes on the radio.

Photo by Nappy

However, speed is one of the main factors linked to injury in a crash. That is, the faster you go, the higher the likelihood of injury. With that in mind, keeping your speed to a reasonable level and below the maxim stated limit for the stretch of road you are on is vital.

The good news is that some strategies can help you to be safe. The first is to make sure you know what the speed limit is. After all, it can change depending on the proximity to built-up areas or the state of the road.  

Next, you must also keep an eye on your speedometer, and remember that a speed limit is exactly that. That is its maximum upper limit you should be going at!

DUI – Driving Under Intoxication

Not only does it break the law to drive while intoxicated, but it is incredibly dangerous as well. Yes, you may feel fine, but the whole point here is that drinking alcohol impairs your judgment!


What that means is your reactions will be slower, and your vision can even become blurred, not something you want when you are in charge of piloting a tonne of metal down a stretch of road at any speed.

With that in mind, it’s best to stay away from alcohol when driving altogether. Instead, choose non-alcoholic beverages if you are the designated driver.

Photo: Omar Lopez

The thing with driving is that it has become so commonplace that we often forget we need to intently focus while doing it. Unfortunately, even a small lapse in focus can be enough to cause an accident that could result in injury or loss of life!

To that end, minimizing any distractions while driving is one of the safest things you can do. One way to do this is to make sure that you do not play your music too loud. The reason is that it can drown out sensory input in the form of sound while driving.

Additionally, mobile phones and other devices can be a huge distraction when driving. That is why they should be turned off and put away out of sight. Then you won’t be tempted to quickly reply to that text when you are at the traffic lights. It’s a smart idea to invest in a hands-free kit for emergencies well. However, it’s still wise to minimize any distractions of this type.

Photo: Alexandria Gilliott

There is an important reason why they install seatbelts in vehicles as standard. It’s that if a crash does occur, they can stop the driver and passengers being tossed around, or thrown through the window!

Yes, indeed, seatbelts may not always be the most comfortable thing to wear, especially on long journeys. Still, they are so crucial to safety that this hardly matters. You can even get many items that can help make seat belts more comfortable when needed. Therefore, go down this route rather than risk your own or the safety of anyone else in the car.

Tailgating is bad

Lastly, when it comes to keeping everyone in your vehicle safe, you must avoid tailgating. This is because it is the leading cause of car accidents where one car goes into the back of another.


That is why taking the time to center yourself and tap into your reserve of patience before you set off is essential! In fact, this one small thing could actually keep your passengers, other road users, and you safe. It could even save a life!

Final thoughts

With driving and owning a vehicle being a regular part of life, safety must be carefully considered. In fact, by making sure to do a few small things regularly when driving, you can maximize your passengers’ security and yourself on the road.