Steve Harvey Served With Restraining Order Filed By Civil Rights Activist

San Bernardino, CA – Essie Berry, a civil rights activist known for helping victims of injustice, says it all started in 2013 when she was to start a reality show and began helping Mary Harvey, Steve Harvey’s ex-wife with some legal matters. Essie says that Steve did not like the fact that she was helping his ex and he began intimidating her with scare tactics along with threatening and harassing messages.

According to Essie, since then, she has been an ongoing victim of stalking and harassment and has filed numerous police reports against Steve Harvey in San Bernardino County, California with the Montclair Police Department. The civil rights activist says, “It appears that celebrity status is above the law. If I had been a white woman being stalked, bullied, and harassed by Steve Harvey, the law would have arrested him years ago.”

On August 18, 2020, however, Essie was finally granted a restraining order from Judge Thomas S. Garza of the Superior Court of San Bernardino County in California. She says that for the last three years, Steve Harvey and his constituents have been using their resources as a vehicle for threatening phone calls, vulgar language, cyberbullying, text messages, emails, and countless other harassment tactics to “destroy her soul.”
She also claims that Steve Harvey has invaded her privacy by placing pictures of her home on the Internet.
Essie is happy about the restraining order but says that she won’t fully feel that justice has been served until she has received an official police report. The local police department, however, seems to be taking the side of Steve Harvey.
She comments, “Steve Harvey is a dangerous and ruthless man that hides behind his riches and fame. There is a dark side that resides within his soul. He is a manipulator, liar, and intimidator that threatens, cheats, bullies, and harasses Black women that he feels has no power.”