
Top Hosting Tips When There’s A Sports Game On

Sports may not be for everyone, but there is something of a community when it comes to all types of team sports. Whether it be a baseball game, a football game, or the soccer World Cup on, people come together to have fun, watch the games and dissect them down at the end. It’s all about the fun in watching it together rather than apart, and there is a lot that can be done to make hosting a football or soccer game exciting!

You don’t have to be a sports buff to be interested in hosting a game for your family and friends. You also don’t have to be a sports buff to understand how to place a bet before the game on Instead, you can be the authority in all things food, drink, and entertainment related. Sure, the game is entertainment that you’re all enjoying together, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add more. By making an event of it, your experience enjoying the next sports game is going to be added to your memories together. So, with that in mind, we’ve got some of the best hosting tips to make sure that your soccer party is one to remember.

Always Choose Paper

gameYou’re hosting people in your house, which means that you’re going to have at least 10 people wandering around with food and drink and possibly kids, too. Paper plates and cups should be your go-to product. They’re cheap, they’re recyclable and you’re not going to stack-up your dishwasher as a result. There’s often no such thing as a small party, and if you’re serving food (duh!) paper is the easiest to dispose of! You can get some plastic ones if you’re serving up hot food that may go through the paper (pulled pork, etc) but ideally, paper plates will be enough to keep everyone going and save you the messy clean-up.

Plan A Menu

You don’t have to throw a huge, seven-course dinner for a soccer game. This is soccer, so let’s pretend you’re in the stadium! Have the BBQ running for a couple of hours before the game to cook up burgers and hotdogs, and have a separate dish for veggie options if you need to serve those, too. Think about the main option, and then have a table of snacks and finger foods laid on. You can make soccer ball cookies, have cold sandwiches, chips and dips, and even veggie crudites. For dessert, either bake or buy a couple of large cakes and pre-slice them, or go easy with cupcakes. You can never have too much food, either, as any leftovers can be boxed or bagged and taken home. Fun food is always a better option, and if you ensure that you have a range of sauces out and ready, everyone is catered for.

Make Lots Of Lists!

You need a guest list, a food list, drinks lists, a list of entertainment options around the game, a music list, a grocery list – it goes on and on! You need to work on ensuring that you have everything written down properly. If you do this, you can ensure that every single thing is ticked off on your list, and you don’t miss out on anything. You want this to be a mini-event that goes off without a hitch, and you also don’t want to run around like a headless chicken when you’re the one in charge of all of the organizing.

Self-Serve Where You Can

gamePart-cooking all of the hot food and storing it to keep warm under the grill hood, or in the oven is a smart plan. If you want to avoid having to stand and cook everything at a BBQ, why not choose some tasty slow cooker meals instead? People can then queue up and serve themselves their meal, then move onto the cold food options to top off their plates. You can do the same thing with drinks for the soccer game, too, with coolers filled with ice and beers, and if you have the money, get a drinks dispenser! This can be invaluable for a party in the home, as everyone can get what they need when they need it! Kids can have juice boxes or small cups of water, too.

Ask For Plates To Be Brought

One really great way to ensure that everyone has an amazing time is by asking them to bring a platter of their favorites. A potluck can often be a wonderful experience for all, and it gives everyone a chance to try new things and enjoy themselves. It saves you the stress of laying on tons of food if you are asking for platters to be brought over, as everyone is contributing to the party and you save yourself cooking time! If people offer to bring anything, let them! It’s nice of them and it’s another way to foster that community spirit. Sports is all about that!

Order Online

gameIf you can order any accessories for the party or food online, do it. You don’t need to go out to busy shops and get only some of the things that you can find in your time constraints, not when you can order online and have it all delivered to your door, instead. Shopping online still allows you to use any coupons that you want to use, and you can unpack it all right away on the morning of the party. Anything that wasn’t in the stores can be picked up last minute.

Add Games

During half time breaks and before and after the game, you can lay on a lot of entertainment! You can add fun games for the whole group. If you have a backyard and the space, why not host your own five-a-side soccer game? You could play for points. If it’s just the grown-ups, then look at Cards Against Humanity for a good laugh!

Be the best host with the tips above!