
Making A Career Change? 4 Solid Reasons Construction Is An Excellent Career Choice

There comes the point when you’re ready for a change in your career. Of course, thanks to the health crisis, it might have happened sooner than you anticipated. Still, whether it was planned or unplanned, you shouldn’t fret. Yes, moving into a new industry is a scary prospect, but it’s also a path lined with opportunities. That’s the bonus of getting to pick any sector you want to work in.

There are tons to choose from, yet one of the best right now is construction. The trade has only moved forward in previous months and years, making it an excellent career path. Here’s why.

It Hasn’t Stopped

The construction industry has been Coronavirus-proof. Since March, when the pandemic blew up, the trade has been allowed to continue, as long as social distancing rules are followed. As a result, it makes it an ideal career path if you’re worried about entering a new industry, only to find yourself unemployed within weeks. The unpredictable nature of the job market is something to be considered before making a career change, and the construction sector has one of the most reliable foundations. Like supermarkets and online vendors, it’s managed to benefit from the events of Covid-19.

Construction Is Booming

You want more than job security from a career, and with construction, you get it. According to construction industry figures from 2015, the global market valuation was over $3 trillion. However, it was also expected to grow by 30% within the five years leading up to today, making it worth around $4 trillion. That means the perks are healthy, such as the average yearly salary and the bonuses and overtime rates. In a period when money is tight worldwide, going into construction gives you the opportunity to increase your earning power while not having to worry about the impacts of the virus on the market.

Cause & Effect

It’s not very often that you do something at work that affects thousands of people. Construction is different since pretty much everything you erect has a knock-on effect for whole communities. Whether it’s homes, offices, or constructions for the public sector, you can sit back and admire your handiwork. This is one of the reasons why job satisfaction among tradesmen and women is incredibly high. It’s not often you get the chance to impact your community from the office. If you change to a building site, you’ll seize the opportunity daily.

It’s Great For Young People

Young people are being hit the hardest by Covid, which is a terrible shame. Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel with a career in construction. Aside from being lucrative, it’s also open to people of all ages due to a focus on apprenticeships. Interns can learn by taking on practical jobs and studying at school. Unlike a degree, this means you can earn money while improving your skills. New roles are created regularly, making construction an evergreen option for young people.

Have you ever considered going into a trade? Do you think differently now?