[#SpecMagShorts] Talib Graves-Manns (Knox St. Studios): Helping Communities Build Wealth

DURHAM, NC – Talib Graves-Manns is a fourth-generation entrepreneur and, according to his website, embodies a self-described “Blue-Blood Hustle” having co-founded four thriving businesses. In this episode of ‘#SpecMagShorts,’ Talib talks about the community work of one of his businesses, Knox St. Studios, the recipient of the Duke Energy Foundation Social Justice and Racial Equity Grant. He explains what they do at Knox St. Studios, why they do what they do and how the grant will be used to further their work in the community.
Watch #SpecMagShorts: Talib Graves-Mann (Knox St. Studios):
The entrepreneurial history of Talib’s family has fueled his passion to build innovative businesses. From 2015-2016, Talib Graves-Manns served as the Entrepreneur in Residence with Google for Entrepreneurs and Code2040 at the American Underground in Durham. In addition to Knox St. Studios, he is also the Co-Founder of Point AB, Life on Autopilot, and Black Wall Street Homecoming. Across all four organizations, he is responsible for business strategy and growth.

Knox St. Studios is in the Walltown community of Durham. Located at 1307 W Knox St., the organization connects and equips current or aspiring entrepreneurs across the Triangle area of North Carolina and beyond with the skills needed to create businesses, jobs, intellectual property, and community wealth for generations to come. Through information sharing, teaching and apprenticeships, Knox St. Studios leads the conversation on topics relevant to community economic development as well as small business to enterprise-level development.
In fall 2020, Knox St. Studios launched the “Inspire to Code” After-School program. The seven-week after-school Academic Enrichment & Computer Coding program offered both in-person and virtually, uses a three-part blended learning approach:
- Academic Support: Tutoring and Study Hall
Academic Enrichment: Project Base Experience in Computer coding
Academic Envisioning: Virtual Technology Field Trips

Knox St. Studios provides venue space that compliments the client’s personality and event theme which is critical to hosting a successful event. The contemporary designed flexible gallery space is ideal for meetings, evening affairs, and artistic display. Competitive rates, as well as a special rate for qualified non-profits, are offered.
Five Durham-area grant recipients will discuss the grant and how it will make a difference in the communities they serve when they appear as guests on Spectacular Magazine’s web-series, “#SpecMagShorts.”

“I am excited that Knox Studios, NC Institute for Minority Economic Development, Villages of Wisdom, Mentor NC, and Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People were among the grant recipients and will be supported in their work to break down barriers, spur meaningful dialogue and provide resources and opportunity to the Black community,” says Indira Everett, District Manager at Duke Energy.
The $1 million in grants and expanded internal programs build upon Duke Energy’s past efforts to support and encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion within the company and the communities we serve.
Everett goes on to say, “This is only a start. I, along with other Duke Energy employees, will continue to engage with Durham-based and statewide organizations and leaders to be a part of the long-term solution to the social justice issues our communities face. I am proud to work for a company that makes social justice and racial equity a priority and is taking action to end systemic racism.”
For more information about the Duke Energy Foundation Social Justice & Racial Equity Grant, visit www.duke-energy.com.