NC Democratic Legislators Join Lawmakers From Across Nation In DC To Fight For Voting Rights

Senator Natalie Murdock (SD-20 Durham), Rep. Kandie Smith (HD-8 Pitt), Rep. Pricey Harrison (HD-61 Guilford), and Rep. Ricky Hurtardo (HD-63 Alamance) travel to Washington, D.C. on Tuesday (August 3) to fight for voting rights and protections. In 2019, the courts found that North Carolina electoral maps were gerrymandered with “surgical precision”. SB 105 as passed by the NC Senate includes several attacks on North Carolina’s system of election administration, in particular, the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Office of the Governor.
In an effort to provide voters with the federal protections that are needed to ensure that our elections are fair and free, state legislators from across the nation are traveling to DC to lobby members of the U.S. Senate in support of the For the People Act.
“Across the nation, Republican-controlled legislative bodies are doing all they can to undermine fair and free elections. Over 400 anti-voting bills across the country have been introduced. Some allow state legislatures to politicize, criminalize, or interfere with the administration of elections. I am traveling to our nation’s capitol to implore our U.S. Senators to act now, “ said Senator Murdock. “ Recess can wait, but our democracy can not. We must always protect the foundation of our democracy, having the right to vote AND for that vote to be counted.” Senator Murdock.
On Tuesday Senator Murdock will speak at the Recess Can Wait – Our Democracy Can’t – State Legislator Rally at the capitol, calling on Congress to pass the For the People Act now.
The For the People Act must be signed before the end of summer in order to be implemented in time for the 2022 midterm elections to undo anti-voter laws passed around the country and prevent partisan maps from disenfranchising voters — especially voters of color — for the next decade. This year almost 400 anti-voting bills have been introduced throughout the states, at least 22 have been enacted. Pro-democracy state legislators have been at the forefront of protecting our right to vote and will remain committed to preserving our democracy. It is time for Congress to take up the fight to protect our freedom to vote by passing the For the People Act to implement national standards for federal elections.
Pandering for votes of the ugnorant. No one who is a citizen in North Carolina is excluded from voting.
These Democrats have a problem with “One person, one vote.” and the requirement that voters be alive.
There is nothing in NC law that prevents our discourages any legal citizen from voting. The lies that are told such as Republicans are trying to Penney people from voting are just that, Lies and should be addressed as such.
I challenge any Senator or Congress person to openly debate this issue… but they must begin the debate by citing verbatim the NC law that prevents a legal NC citizen from exercising their right to vote.