
Sign Petition: Tell Media To Stop Perpetuating False Reports That Harm An Entire Continent

Being a Black person living in this country feels increasingly difficult. We are still trying to survive two deadly viruses at the same time: COVID-19 and racism. 

With the discovery of the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, we are now witnessing the same anti-Black racism experienced here in the United States being directed at an entire continent of people. Though the Omicron variant was in Europe long before it traveled to South Africa, media outlets have dubbed it the “South African variant.”  And while research scientists in South Africa detected Omicron only after robust testing and sequencing, their contributions to the fight against COVID-19 are being overshadowed by false reports that the country is to blame for the spike in cases around the world. In direct response to the hysteria that ensued, the United States implemented discriminatory travel bans targeting South Africa and other African countries (e.g., Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique). 

The national media’s stigmatization around coronavirus and the African continent must end here. 

What we’re witnessing happened in the early days as COVID-19 was uncovered in China. The racism and xenophobia that emerged then are showing now. The national media should be ashamed of enabling racist narratives—it simply has to stop. Now is the time to demand better narratives that truly capture the breadth of who we are. 

The continent should not be known for this infectious disease, but rather its cultural richness and natural beauty. And the South African researchers who detected the variant should not be shunned but applauded for sounding the alarm on this public health threat.

We must fight harder to hold the national media accountable for its treatment and narratives of Black people. 

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell the media to stop perpetuating false and racist narratives that harm an entire continent of Black people.