Ebonettes Service Club, Inc. Celebrates 50th Anniversary Founders Day
DURHAM, NC – The Ebonettes Service Club, Inc. of Durham recently celebrated its 50th Founders Day Anniversary. The anniversary’s theme was “Celebrating Fifty Years of Making a Difference in the Lives of Others.” A unique virtual celebration entitled, “A Conversation with the Founders and Charter Members,” was moderated by Dr. Bernadette G. Watts, Ebonette Historian. Participants included Founders Carolyn Jones Thomas, Judy Byrd Dillard, and Dr. Susanna M.G. Bell, the club’s First President. Charter members in the video were Cora Cole-MacFadden and Etta Leathers. A Memorial Service in memory of Founder Majorie Laster Monroe Thorpe was conducted by Leathers.

Each year, the Founders of the Ebonettes Service Club, Inc. presents a “Founders Award.” This year the 2022 Founders Award was given to the McKinney-Vento Program of the Durham Public Schools. Ebony Ross, Program Director, received the donation of $1,000 on behalf of DPS. The Mckinney-Vento Program ensures that all children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to public education. In Durham, the Director works to assure the school system is in compliance with federal law. Currently, the program provides support to nearly 900 students and families. Support includes on-site tutoring, clothing, personal care and hygiene supplies, cap and gowns for seniors, transportation to and from school, before and after school care, academic summer camps, and coordination with community agencies and partners.

The Ebonettes Service Club, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 organization, was founded in March 1972 by four African American women who wanted to make a difference in their community. The founders, Judy Byrd Dillard of Durham, Dr. Susanna Gentry-Bell (currently living in Greensboro), Carolyn Jones Thomas of Durham, and Marjorie Lester Monroe Thorpe (deceased), founded the organization focusing on four broad objectives. The objectives are to enhance the development of black youth, to become more aware of our cultural heritage, to become politically astute and relate to issues that affect our lives, and to become meaningfully involved with the senior citizens of our community. The club has awarded over $250,000 in student scholarships.
The club’s motto is “Lend a helping hand today, see a smiling face tomorrow.” Founders Judy B. Dillard and Carolyn J. Thomas are still active members fulfilling many club leadership roles.
Gayle B. Harris served as the Program Committee Chair. Tania Greene-Clark is President of the Ebonettes Service Club, Inc.