Congresswoman Valerie Foushee Is Grand Marshal Of 20th MLK Black History Month Parade

Congresswoman Valerie Foushee, U. S. Representative for North Carolina’s Fourth Congressional District, will be the Grand Marshal for the 20th Annual NC MLK Black History Month Parade on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023.
The Parade, which is hosted by North Carolina’s premier Black Magazine Spectacular Magazine and Triangle Cultural Awareness Foundation, is one of the largest Black History Month celebrations in the state. Recently named by the Southeast Tourism Society as “One of the 20 Best Events in the Southeast,” the parade offers several entertainments in the form of marching bands, step/dance/drill teams, cars, mascots, cartoon characters and more.
This year, the parade will start at noon. The participants will start from W. G. Pearson Elementary School (3501 Fayetteville Street), proceed up Fayetteville Street and end at NCCU. Families, schools, businesses, organizations, and/or groups are invited to the Parade.
Foushee represents North Carolina’s Fourth District which includes Alamance, Durham, Granville, Orange, and Person Counties and parts of Caswell County.
Before she began serving in Congress, Valerie worked as an administrator for the Chapel Hill police department and served 25 years as a local and state elected official. She went from serving on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board, to being the first African American woman elected to chair the Orange County Board of Commissioners, to serving in the North Carolina State House and the North Carolina State Senate.
Valerie was born and raised in Orange County and received her undergraduate degree from UNC-Chapel Hill. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Stanley, and they are parents of two sons and one grandson.
Registration for the Parade closes Sat. January 28th. Click here for more information.
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