NCCU Entrepreneurship Club Leads Next Wave of Entrepreneurs

DURHAM, N.C. –  The NCCU Entrepreneurship Club served the youth at Pearson Learning Lab (PLL) by starting their entrepreneurial journey that begins with a vision.

The NCCU Entrepreneurship Club worked with Ms. Quanza to lead the kids at PLL. The Entrepreneurship Club split up so that each member was with a table of kids, most of whom were between 5-7 years old.

Each member instructed the kids to create a business name and an illustration to go with it. The youth also learned about how college students manage school and have a sustainable business.

After hearing Vice President Omari Johnson say he is majoring in Sports Medicine and speaking about pro leagues, the kids had all sorts of ideas about their future. The kid’s ideas ranged from military work to police officers. The Entrepreneurship Club helped inspire the students’ ideas by carefully guiding them into letting their minds follow what they are passionate about.

The focus of this volunteer program was to get the kids to have a vision of their businesses or future careers, and it was a total success! Corric, a 5th-grade student at Fayetteville Street Elementary said, “We all had an opportunity to get social and it was all-around fun.”

The Social Media Manager of NCCU’s Entrepreneurship Club, Kyra Joyner, consistently volunteers her time at PLL. She worked with some of the students she was familiar with such as Ava A. and Miracle. Her work is growing on the kids which makes encouraging them easier.

After catching up with her she told me “everyone starts with a dream, everything starts with a dream and we turn it into reality”.

Learn More About NCCU’s Entrepreneur Club Here