Durham Commissioners Approve $889.5 Million Budget

Durham, N.C. – On Monday, June 12, 2023, the Durham Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) adopted the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget ordinance totaling $889,514,622. This year’s budget increases the County property tax rate by 3 cents to 75.22 cents per $100 valuation. As noted in the 2022 General Obligation Bond Referendum, a portion of this increased tax rate will be used to finance capital projects. The budget passed with a ­­­­unanimous vote by the BOCC.

The FY 2023-24 adopted budget is approximately 12% more than the previous year’s budget. As a part of the budget process, the Board increased the County Manager’s Recommended Budget by $936,146. The largest amount of the Board’s increase, from the County Manager’s recommended budget, will provide funding for a Forensic Community Support Team that will offer enhanced services, housing assistance, and peer support to justice-involved people with serious mental illnesses. The General Fund budget, providing the necessary financial resources for most of Durham County’s activities and services, is $600,064,184.

The adopted budget provides $187,951,627 in funding for Durham Public Schools (DPS), increasing by $10.8 million to support the per pupil amount of $4,650. Additional DPS funding includes $1.57 million for “certified” salary increases, $1.52 million for “classified” salary increases, $1.81 million for retirement and health insurance increases, $4.09 million for classified study proposed salary increases and $1.8 million for charter school support. Pre-K support receives additional funding of $1,152,000 for Pre-K expansion, increasing total annual funding to $7.9 million. The FY 2023-24 budget also provides $11,707,065 for Durham Technical Community College (DTCC), an increase of $1,963,631 or 20.15% from the previous year. Of the total DTCC budget, $2,412,948 is specifically allotted for student scholarship support and other educational opportunities.

The Board continues to make a significant effort to appropriately compensate County staff. For the upcoming year, Commissioners approved funding for a “Pay for Performance” or “Merit” salary increase for all County employees of 3% to 4%. Additionally, per a County initiated compensation study recommendation, all positions will receive a 7% salary increase to match market rates for existing positions.

Other highlights from the FY 2023-24 adopted budget include: 

  • Support for 10.3 net new General Fund full-time equivalent (FTE)s, 4 FTEs in Sewer, and 2 FTEs in Stormwater Fund at a cost of $2.4 million. 
  • Increase of the Solid Waste sticker fee to $169.63 (2.8%) per household annually to support pay increases for existing personnel.
  • $4.3 million dollars for new and replacement vehicles (60 in total), many in line with the County’s 2030 Green Initiative.
  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) appropriation and support of $3.26 million.
  • Opioid Harm Reduction appropriation of $623,827 for a Community Linkages to Care Peer Support Program ($400,000) connecting individuals who are struggling with substance use disorder with comprehensive, evidence-based care, and $223,827 for a new medical director position that position will manage all programs related to the Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) at the Durham County detention center.
  • 1.0 Cent Property Tax Increase for Research Triangle Park (RTP) Special Park tax district and 2.5 Cent Property Tax Increase for the Service District Public Transportation Tax. A total property tax increase for the RTP Special Park tax district of 3.5 cents per $100 valuation.
  • Durham County Fire and Rescue Special Tax District property tax rate decreases one cent from 15.49 cents per $100 valuation to 14.49 cents.

To review the adopted budget details for FY 2023-2024, visit the County’s Budget and Management Services webpage. Budget information on adopted budgets dating back 10 years prior is available to view and download on the webpage. The full FY 2023-24 adopted budget document will be online by the end of August 2023.

For additional questions or information about the FY 2023-2024 Adopted Budget, email publicinformationoffice@dconc.gov.