Why Do New Businesses Often Have Financial Problems?
There are a number of different things that can cause a new business to fail or at least grow more slowly than the owner might like. However, the one that can cause the biggest problems and that’s hardest to get past is money – a lack of money can halt any progress you might want to make, no matter how much you might have planned for your business. And the bad news is that many new businesses do have financial problems, and sometimes those problems do indeed spell the end of things.
Before you can work out how to get past these challenges and get back on the right financial footing, it’s a good idea to know what you’re having financial difficulties in the first place. Once you know that, you can get to the root of the issue and make changes in the right places. Hopefully, that will move your business forward and help you reach the success you’ve been planning for. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons why new businesses often have financial problems.
Lack Of Experience

Running a business isn’t something most people understand right away. It’s true you might be great at sales or be extremely knowledgeable in your particular sector, but that doesn’t mean you know how to run a business, and it’s this lack of experience that can cause so many problems when it comes to your finances.
The thing to remember is that in some ways, business finances are much like your personal finances, and in others, they’re quite different, so learning about those differences (which often center around tax and when to pay people, for example) and understanding how to be sensible with money if that’s not something that comes easily to you is vital. Even if it means delaying the launch of your business, gaining this experience is important if you want to do things in the right way.
Most of the things you’ll need to learn when it comes to running a business can be learned as you go along, and although it might mean you make mistakes, that won’t usually cause too many issues. Money is different, and mistakes can cause huge issues, which is why getting this knowledge and boosting your experience where possible will really make a difference.
Not Being Organized
This might sound harsh, but the fact is that if you’re disorganized and you’re running a disorganized business, you’re going to lose money. It’s inevitable because you’ll just never quite know what you’re spending or when your next payment is due to come in, and you certainly won’t have a budget (if you do happen to have one, you probably won’t stick to it). Losing money is just something that’s sure to happen.
If you’re disorganized in ‘real life,’ then that’s nothing to worry about – it’s just how you are, and it’s highly likely you’ll have worked out ways to deal with this particular personality trait because you’re used to it. Sadly, the world of business isn’t that forgiving, and if this part of your personality slips through, there will be negative consequences.
Although you can’t change who you are, there are some useful tools you can use to help make you and your business a little more organized. Budgeting apps are useful, especially if they alert you when you’re getting close to your spending limit. Refrigeration contractor software is fantastic, as it means you can collate all the information you need about your contractors and customers to ensure every appointment is made and met and that the customers (and your team) always know what’s happening. Or how about something simple like a huge whiteboard that has all the dates of the month on it and what needs to happen when – sometimes it’s the simplest tool that works best, and something like this is a quick guide to what’s happening now and what you need to do next.
The software and tools you’re going to need will depend a lot on the type of business you run and what happens within it – as well as which elements you’re most disorganized about, but if you take a moment to think things through and do some research, it shouldn’t be too hard to come to the right conclusion.
Expanding Too Quickly
If you want to be successful in business, one of the most important things to get right is your plans for growth, and you can do that by writing a well-thought-out business plan. With that plan in place, you can follow your own route and get to where you want to go.

However, although expansion is a great thing and it’s something that all successful businesses will need to do, there are mistakes you can make when you start the process, and one of the biggest, and the one that’s going to cause you the most headaches when it comes to your finances, is to expand too quickly.
Perhaps that doesn’t sound possible; after all, if you want to grow your business, what’s the point in taking things slowly, and what harm could growing quickly do? Perhaps it’s even your ultimate plan. The issue is that when you grow too quickly too fast, you can over-extend your finances and find that you have to pay for things much sooner than you thought, without having had the chance to make the money to fund the changes. Plus, a fast expansion can confuse customers, and although the plan would obviously be to make money, you might end up losing it (and your reputation), especially if things aren’t completely perfect.
If you want to prevent financial problems, the best thing to do is to expand but to expand slowly. When you do that, you’ll have to chance to spot any problems and fix them before they become unmanageable, and you’ll be able to keep much better track of your money.
All in all, running a business will always be a steep learning curve, but understanding your finances and how to keep on top of them will make the process more fun and less stressful.