Fashion Dos and Don’ts for NC HBCU Homecoming Season
Homecoming season in North Carolina is upon us, and students, alumni, and visitors from around the country are starting to decide what outfits they’ll wear as they prepare to join the fun.
Here, we’ll go through some fashion dos and don’ts of homecoming season so you can look and feel great, whether you’re an early-bird parade go-er, a cheerleader from the bleachers, or you enjoy a good tailgate party.
Aamani Gordon, a second-year attendee of NC A&T’s famed GHOE (Greatest Homecoming on Earth), says she looks forward to the big game day during homecoming.
“It’s the perfect time to put on a fit, look good, and show it off too.”
“Some of the best outfits I’ve seen are custom-made ones! People get so creative and rip-up jeans design and paint jackets, or add textures and layers onto their clothing.”
Fashion DOs

Wear Comfortable Shoes. Whether you’re attending the parade, the game, or an after-hours party, you want to be comfortable. No heels or shoes that hug your feet too tight. You want to be able to move, dance, jump, and swag surf as comfortably as you can.

Layer. Remember that homecoming is the fall season. If you plan to celebrate the whole day, it’s best to wear something versatile. Wear layers you can remove and replace as the temperature fluctuates—and it will!

Represent! You don’t have to be head-to-toe in university merch. But you should represent the team you’re rooting for. That’s part of the fun of homecoming season. Don’t let this restrict you; there are so many ways to incorporate colors into your fit, from hair accessories to shoelaces.
Fashion DONT’s

Wear something that’s too restrictive. You want to be able to move freely and enjoy yourself without having to think about your outfit. You want to be able to forget it’s there.
Think too much about your outfit. You’re there to have fun, pick something you like, and as long as you do, you’ll do great. You can dress it up or down however much you’re comfortable with. Just be stylish, and think about all the moving, parading, cheering, eating, and drinking you’ll be doing.
Take outfits fresh off a mannequin. Make sure you incorporate yourself into any outfit you pick, however that may look for you. Be you!
Most homecoming fans start to pick their outfits well in advance. For a fun and sustainable way to start shopping for your homecoming fits, try starting in your closet first. You can always find new ways to style pieces you already have. At thrift stores, you can find unique pieces that you can use to create a one-of-a-kind, comfortable outfit. The key is to love what you have on.
Gordon highlights how feeling good is looking good when it comes to homecoming season fashion.
“Be confident, wear whatever makes you feel good, and stand out. Don’t feel the need to follow trends, then everyone would look the same.”
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