Confidence Couture Volume 1

Sharon Decoster: Helping Women Discover Their Inner Style The ‘Confidence Couture’ Way


RALEIGH, NC—Meet Sharon Yvonne Decoster, a professional image stylist, life coach, and author of Confidence Couture Volume 1. Decoster has devoted her work to pouring life into women and helping them discover their most authentic selves. She is a true Renaissance woman, wearing many hats and having gems to drop about her journey to collect each one.

Confidence Couture Volume 1 is an eBook born of Decoster’s work in the fashion industry and as a mentor to women. Confidence is having a strong belief in someone or something. Couture is one-of-a-kind, custom-fit, and attention to detail. Decoster’s blending of the two came from looking out into the world, seeing a society too focused on how things look outwardly, and deciding to write something that will help people look inward.

Confidence Couture
Confidence Couture Volume 1 is an eBook born of Decoster’s work in the fashion industry and as a mentor to women.

Confidence Couture Volume 1 is all about pushing single ladies to embrace the season they are in through fashion. It provides insight into the power of phases and the personal development that can come from each one. This enlightening eBook is based on self-love, self-acceptance, and self-assurance.

Women can learn how to purge their closets of old pieces that reflect the past, clearing the way for a new empowering wardrobe with a new and empowered mindset. They can learn to use their style as a personal declaration of creativity and self-compassion.

Confidence Couture Volume 1 shows women how to forgive themselves for past mistakes, release themselves from outward influence, and learn who they are independent of the roles they possess. Decoster values help trigger the transformation, and women enjoy seeing themselves fully realize and embrace their greatest selves.

Confidence Couture Volume 1 guides women through learning to accept and let go of the past to move forward with style, grace, and purpose. Though written with single women in mind, women at all stages in life can glean from the eBook and share in couture confidence.

“The journey of self-love and acceptance is not just about looking good as it relates to fashion and clothes that we wear; it’s about this mindset that radiates confidence and positivity.”

Confidence Couture accentuates how fashion is a form of therapy. It is a way for people to nurture their spirits and embrace where they are on their journey. Confidence Couture is about maintaining the beautiful balance of bringing outer beauty in and inner beauty out—confidence with a couture fit. 

The Story Behind The eBook

Sharon Yvonne Decoster. Professional image stylist, life coach, renaissance woman, author, and vessel for blessing.

Sharon Y. Decoster is the youngest of three girls from Stamford, Connecticut, who has been conducting her life’s work in the great state of North Carolina through Durham, Wake County, and Raleigh. Decoster started in the fashion industry at 18, getting her foot in the door doing hair shows, which turned into fashion shows and print work and led her to Atlanta. The author lived in Atlanta briefly from 1994-1996, where she attended the American College of Applied Arts and studied fashion merchandising.

After studying fashion in Atlanta, Decoster moved back to Raleigh, NC. Here, she would land her dream job with a modeling agency scouting talent in the North Carolina area. Decoster spent her time with the agency going out to middle and high schools, intending to find NC’s next Tyra Banks. She saw a disconnect in the young aspiring models she would work with, recognizing a need to focus on something deeper than modeling. A need to focus on confidence sparked the fire in her to be the change she wanted to see and the resource these young women needed.

Soon after leaving the agency in 2002, Decoster created a program where she uses fashion as the entry point and common denominator to build self-esteem in young women aged 12-21. The program is called B.A.B.Y, an acronym for Building A Better You. Decoster developed the curriculum for B.A.B.Y herself, a true work of the heart. Decoster makes it known that B.A.B.Y is for women from all walks of life. Every type of woman is welcome because every type of woman needs confidence.

In 2008, Decoster acquired office space in Northgate Mall in Durham, NC. B.A.B.Y flourished in its ability to operate in its own space. No one had ever given Decoster a dollar or dime to run this program; it was born of and nurtured by a pure, driven passion to influence lives.

“At the time, I did not have the credentials that people say you need to do that work — I just had a desire, a passion, [and] a natural gift that God blessed me with to be a blessing to young people.”

When the pandemic hit in 2020, Decoster turned to writing. She poured herself into authoring workbooks, journals, affirmation cards, and a memoir. Her words became her second B.A.B.Y.

“I love to help whomever’s path God puts me across be able to tap into who they are— helping them realize who they are, realize their worth, and realize that God has created them for greatness regardless of what trials and tribulations they may experience,” Decoster recognizes as the most rewarding result of walking in her purpose.

Decoster believes there is always a rhyme and reason why paths cross. Her ultimate goal in life’s work is to fully take advantage of divine opportunities.

“I would like to look back and say that I have not wasted one gift or talent that God has blessed me with.”

Sharon Yvonne Decoster. Professional image stylist, life coach, renaissance woman, author, and vessel for blessing.

You can buy your copy of Confidence Couture Volume 1 and learn more about Sharon Y. Decoster’s services through her website.

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