
Organizing Against Evictions: Lakewood Renters To Launch Bull City Tenants United


Durham, NC – As COVID-19 protection against evictions expires around the country with no relief in sight from the federal government, 30 – 40 million US residents are now at risk of being evicted from their homes in the next several months, according to the Covid-19 Eviction Defense Project. In Durham, the federal government’s failed response to the virus is intensifying the preexisting crisis of evictions and displacement of tenants, who make up nearly half of Durham residents.

In response to this community-scale disaster, tenants in Lakewood neighborhood apartment complexes with high eviction rates are organizing with Lakewood Community Project and other allies to form Bull City Tenants United (BCTU). BCTU is launching a campaign to stop all parts of the eviction machinery, demanding that the courts stay closed, that all evictions are stopped, and that all impacted renters receive immediate rent relief.

What: Anti-eviction Rally and campaign launch at Durham County Courthouse

When: 11 am, Monday, August 24

Where: Durham County Courthouse (510 South Dillard St., Durham NC)

Who: Lakewood neighborhood renters in eviction proceedings, their neighbors in high-eviction apartment complexes, and community allies

***Those battling possible homelessness can now text or call 919-590-9165 to receive free legal assistance. They’ll also receive an information packet. The goal is to help people better advocate for themselves in court.

During this pandemic, the Civil Legal Assistance Clinic at UNC School of Law is hoping landlords and tenants can work things out on their own with payment plans. However, if needed, the CARES Act Eviction Information Line is also working to help those in need of in-court representation.

Individuals seeking assistance from the CARES Act Eviction Information Line should send a text message with their full address, and property name if known, to the hotline: 919-590-9165. Tenants will then receive an information packet via both text message and U.S. Mail based on the research results for their property.

Information provided by hotline operators will include:

  • Documents tenants can bring to court and can use to show judges how the law applies
  • A guide to requesting an interpreter in court
  • A guide to self-representation in an eviction proceeding
  • The actual language of the CARES Act eviction moratorium
  • A guide to CARES Act protections
  • Short infographics designed for social media and WhatsApp groups