
Durham Committee Makes Endorsements For Mayor And City Council

Durham, NC – The Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People (DCABP) held its virtual endorsement meeting for the upcoming municipal elections. After reviewing submitted questionnaires by each candidate, participating in forums, and engaging in dialogue with various community members, the general body overwhelmingly and enthusiastically endorsed Elaine O’Neal for Mayor, incumbent Council Members DeDreana Freeman, and Mark-Anthony Middleton, and newcomer Leonardo Williams for Wards I, II, and III respectively. “These candidates will represent all of Durham well on City Council,” says Antonio Jones, MPA, DCABP Chair.



Elaine O’Neal serving Durham for more than 28 years as an elected official and Law School Dean at North Carolina Central University shows not only a clear command of the scope of work before her, she also conveyed a proven commitment to working in a manner that is reflective of DCABP and Durham values. She was born, raised, and educated in Durham and is highly qualified to be the first Black Woman Mayor of Durham. She has an extremely long list of honors, awards, and community involvement in Durham. Her leadership and commitment to Durham are well documented. Elaine O’Neal has earned the trust of the community.

Ward 1

DeDreana Freeman is the incumbent and though she was not endorsed in her first term, she has proven to be steadfast in her commitment to a more equitable Durham during her time on the city council. Racial equity is embedded in all of her decision-making. She has a clear handle on her job and is willing to ask tough questions. She has earned the trust of DCABP and the community.

Ward 2

Mark Anthony Middleton is the incumbent. He has previously received our endorsement and there is no desire to shift the course. He is an outspoken advocate for finding comprehensive solutions to problems facing our most marginalized residents in Durham. His advocacy is appreciated and he has the trust of the Durham Committee and the community.

Ward 3

Neither candidate is the incumbent nor have they held office as an elected official. Yet, Leonardo Williams has demonstrated that he has the skills that are required to step into the role and be impactful. As a former Durham Public Schools educator and two-time Teacher of Year, he has an established track record of community involvement in some of our most marginalized communities. He is also a successful small business owner. Leonardo Williams will bring a much-needed small business owner perspective to the city council.

One-stop Early Voting

One-stop early voting will be held from Thursday, September 16th to Saturday, October 2nd for the October 5th election, and from Thursday, October 14th to Saturday, October 30th for the November 2nd election. 

Requests to vote by mail must be received by the Durham County Board of Elections Tuesday, September 28th at 5:00 pm for the October 5th election, and Tuesday, October 26th at 5:00 pm for the November 2nd election.

The voter registration deadline for the October 5th election is Friday, September 10th at 5:00 pm, and Friday, October 8th at 5:00 pm for the November 2nd election.

For more information, visit the Durham County Board of Elections.

For more information on the Durham Committee of the Affairs of Black People-endorsed candidates, please visit  or

One thought on “Durham Committee Makes Endorsements For Mayor And City Council

  1. I highly recommend these candidates to all of Durham’s Voters. Their resumes and exepriences speaks volumes. They, in my opinion, are what we in Durham need and deserve in our next City Council Leadership. More importantly they understand and know how to deal with the need for strong public safety, affordable housing , and the need to reduce poverty, among other important city issues. They will listen and they understand, that in politics, it is sometimes necessary to compromise for the greater good of all.
    FORMER DURHAM NC MAYOR (2001 – 2017)
    FORMER DURHAM COUNTY COMMISSIONER ( 1972 -1994; 1996 – 2000)

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