moral monday

Bishop William Barber Announces Moral Monday Protests Return To Raleigh In March

moral monday

RALEIGH, NC – The North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign, with Bishop William J. Barber II, has announced plans for the return of Moral Monday in Raleigh, where the movement began almost eight years ago. 

The event includes more than 35 partner organizations and faith centers from across North Carolina as well as South Carolina and Virginia, all committing to mobilize for the March 28th Moral Monday and the June 18th Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.

“We will have the largest gathering of poor and low wealth people, religious advocates, and others ever in the nation’s history,” he said.

Barber led the first Moral Monday in 2013, demonstrating against what they call regressive legislation. There have been arrests in Raleigh and other Southern states as social justice advocates called for higher wages and more access to the polls.

He’s now co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, which has Moral Monday activities planned in 10 states.

Bishop Barber and Ana Blackburn, a tri-chair of the North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign, also announced a joint rally that will include both North Carolina and the Poor People’s Campaign in Wisconsin, the home state of Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis. Bishop Barber and Rev. Theoharis are co-chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

“We are committed to the bringing together of folk who have often been divided so that other folk can have political power. And we’re saying no more to that,” he said.

Moral Monday March on Raleigh Mobilization Kickoff Press Conference

One thought on “Bishop William Barber Announces Moral Monday Protests Return To Raleigh In March

  1. Does anyone working on the March 28 event know of any group in the Winston-Salem/Greensboro area who are bringing buses to the event? If so, would you pass the information so that some members of my organization (NC Alliance for Retired Americans and CWA Retirees group) can ask to join them? Thanks.

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