
UNITY24: Key African American Organizations Unite To Promote Voter Engagement in Durham

Rev. Dr. Michelle Laws speaking at the UNITY24 press conference. (Photo: Lawrence Davis III)

DURHAM, NC—A coalition of Durham’s most significant African American membership organizations aims to foster unity and encourage voter participation in the Black community. Civic leaders and clergy held a press conference last week at the Prince Hall Grand Lodge in Durham to highlight their commitment to civil rights and community engagement through their initiative, UNITY24. UNITY24 represents over 30,000 African Americans statewide, sounding the alarm for unity. (Please scroll down to watch the entire press conference.)

The press conference featured remarks from members of Influential groups including the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Durham and Vicinity (IMA), the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina and Jurisdiction, Inc. (MWPHGLNC), Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People (DCABP), National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) – Durham Section, and the NAACP – Durham Branch.

Their collective efforts underscore the importance of community cohesion and advocacy in promoting access to voting.

Voices of Leadership


Rev. Dr. Michelle Laws, representing NCNW – Durham Section, emphasizes the importance of reaching voters who may feel disenfranchised. “Historically marginalized communities and populations often feel like we are only called upon to deliver votes and then quickly forgotten about or ignored,” Laws stated. “However, we are fully aware that all elections have consequences, and in the upcoming election in November, the consequences are too severe to sit it out. Too much is at stake, and too many freedoms are on the line, so we have no choice but to turn up the turnout.”


Rev. Dr. B. Angeloe Burch, President of the NAACP, Durham Branch, echoed that sentiment, stating, “We don’t want anyone to feel as if they’re underprivileged and do not have access.” His remarks highlight the collective responsibility to create more voter engagement in Durham.


“The Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People realizes that the upcoming elections are crucial for the well-being of our community, our state, and our nation,” Walter Jackson, DCABP Chair, expresses. “We are happy to be working with other groups and individuals for success in electing the candidates we believe will provide the best leadership for the challenging times ahead. Please join us in voting for the best future for all.”


MWPHGLNC Grand Master Daniel Thompson adds to the conversation, urging attendees to identify and connect individuals with the necessary voter resources. He states, “Identify who’s what and go and find the resources, especially transportation to the polls, to build the bridge for them to vote.” This call to action emphasizes the importance of collaboration in ensuring everyone has a voice.


“Freedom is on the ballot. It is not up to us individually, but collectively to rush to the polls to exercise our right and privilege to vote,” states Rev. Dr. Michael Page, IMA President. “Educate, find out who shares your concerns and who is raising the issues that will make a difference in your life. Educate yourself with the wealth of literature that will be shared with you, their priorities, and how you can benefit from such a candidate.”

A Call to Action

UNITY24 aims to motivate, educate, and encourage participation in the electoral process. Community members can inspire one another to head to the polls by coming together. 

As the date approaches, remember that your voice matters. Let’s stand together and make our presence felt in the upcoming elections. As Rev. Page reminds us, “A voteless people is a hopeless people.”

Watch the UNITY24 Press Conference

Photos and Video: Lawrence Davis III

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