May 2, 2021
Calling all singers!
This is your chance to grab a mic and show us what you've got! DJ Energizer will lay down the tracks for a fun night of singing your heart every week in Center City Park.
Greensboro Downtown Parks, Inc. (GDPI) is committed to providing a safe environment for our community in all ways. In light of the current public health crisis, GDPI abides by all guidelines set by local, state, and federal governments. These guidelines include mask mandates, social distancing recommendations, limits on public gatherings, and sanitation of all surfaces. For the latest information on GDPI’s enactment of these guidelines, please visit the Covid-19 Response page on our website.
All programs are FREE to attend, but registration is recommended for select programs to ensure capacity limits are kept within the required framework. Drop-ins are welcome at each program without pre-registering only if there is space available to accommodate them. Some programs are drop-in only due to the structure of the activities - these programs operate as first come, first served based on the availability of space. Additionally, please check our website for any updates regarding program cancellations.