ONE CHURCH ONE CHILD Meeting To Convene In February

Durham, NCThe Durham County Department of Social Services (DSS) meeting for ONE CHURCH ONE CHILD will be held Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 10:00 am in the Human Services Building (414 East Main Street in downtown Durham). The meeting will be held in conference rooms 2421 and 2422 on the second floor.

The purpose of the Durham County ONE CHURCH ONE CHILD is a mission/outreach program between Durham County Department of Social Services and local churches designed to make a difference in the lives of children and families by:

  • Identifying and supporting families in congregations who may be interested in becoming foster and/or adoptive parents.
  • Helping to meet the needs of children in foster care.
  • Supporting foster parents who care for Durham County’s children in foster care.
  • Enlightening worshippers about the needs of Durham County children and families who provide care for children.

Foster Care (ages birth to 21) provides temporary care for children who have a finding of abuse, neglect or dependency and are unable to remain safely in their home. A child in foster care has been placed in the temporary legal custody/or placement responsibility of the agency.

Adoption is a means of providing for children who are legally free for adoption because they cannot return to their parent or removal caretaker.

The Bible clearly teaches us that we are to look after and defend the fatherless. Government programs have done what they can for our nation’s youth in foster care and it’s up to the members of the Church to do as it has been commanded.

If your church is interested in becoming a part of this unique mission/outreach program, call Deborah Cousin, foster parent recruiter, (919) 560-8411.
