
Dealing With The Most Stressful Events Life Can Throw At You

Life really is a roller coaster. Each and every one of us will experience ups and downs that will break us, build us and shape who we are as a person. Without the bad, we’d never truly appreciate things when they’re good- however this knowledge doesn’t always make us feel better when we’re going through a rough time. There are some events in life that can be so traumatic they can have a massive impact on our overall wellbeing, knowing how to respond if these things happen is important. Here are some examples.

Loss of a loved one

Loss of a loved one is rated as one of the most stressful life events a person can go through. It truly is devastating when a person we care for deeply is no longer with us, and can take a huge amount of healing. It could be through death, or even due to a relationship breakdown or divorce. While the person might still be alive, it can be similar to a bereavement when you lose a person that will no longer be in your life. Loss can come in the form of miscarriage or stillbirth, or even the loss of a pet. It’s a very broad area, and is always going to be extremely painful. Bottling up your feelings can make things worse, open up to people you trust. Going to some counselling sessions can help you to come to terms with your feelings and teach you healthy coping mechanisms. And know that it takes time, you might never truly get over your loss but you will learn to live with it. It might not feel like it now but you will smile again one day and enjoy happiness again.

Being sent to prison

None of us are perfect, we can all make bad decisions at times and sometimes these can result in legal or police action being taken against us. If you have an upcoming court case and know that prison is likely, it’s worth getting yourself prepared. Read a prison survival guide, do some research and get yourself mentally ready. It’s a situation no one wants to find themselves in, but if you’ve done the crime you need to do the time. Practice mastering your own mind, feeling calm and looking for the positives in undoubtedly unpleasant circumstances. Chances are you’ll know you made a mistake, work on getting to the bottom of the reason why so you can ensure that it’s never repeated. For example, if you’ve been arrested for drink driving, is this a wakeup call that you’re drinking too much and need to seek help for this?

Losing your job

A job is often so much more than a job. Our careers define us, there’s a reason why one of  the first questions we’re asked when meeting someone new is ‘what do you do for a living?’ On top of this, there are the financial implications- research suggests that many of us are only one paycheck away from homelessness. If you fall behind on your mortgage your home will be reclaimed by the bank. With rent, your landlord can seek legal action from the high court to have you removed. You will quickly fall into arrears with bills, and debt can mount up. If you lose your job, it’s often worth trying to find something as fast as you can- even if it’s not your dream role. At least you have money coming in while you look for something more permanent. Having a side hustle can also be useful, this can run alongside your regular job and if you happen to be made unemployed at least you have this source of income to survive on for a while. Having savings can make your life much easier and prevent a bad situation from becoming so much worse. Aim to save enough to cover three months or rent/ mortgage, bills and food. This will give you a comfortable buffer if the worst were to happen.

A business failure

Starting your own business can change your life. You get to work towards something you genuinely care about, rather than line the pockets of a big corporation. You put your heart and soul into making it work, and so if things go bad it can be devastating. The thing to remember here is that lots of business owners that are successful now have had failures in their past. Use it as a chance to learn and grow, and in future you have experience and knowledge that can help you succeed.