
Questions To Ask About Your Cyber Security Policy In 2019

In the current day and age, there is simply no excuse for not having a cyber security policy in place. The threat of a data breach is very real, and it does not matter what sort of business you run – how big or small it is, or what industry you operate in – you are a target. In order to protect yourself from this threat, there are a number of different steps you need to take. Nevertheless, it all begins with having a successful cyber security policy. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the questions you should be asking yourself about your security policy in 2019.

Is your security policy documented?

The first thing you need to do is make sure your security policy is documented. If it is not, then you don’t really have a security policy, do you? In this policy, you need to state all of the various rules and regulations you have implemented to address security issues and to make sure that you have the highest levels of security in place at all times. Needless to say, you need to match the policy with your company’s internal processes.

Do you update your security policy regularly?

If not, you need to start doing so. After all, the data threat landscape is changing all of the time. There are always new threats that you need to consider and prepare for. If you don’t, your efforts will be outdated, and this will give hackers an easy way in. You can click here to read more on how one of the most recent technological advancements is having an impact on security in the media and entertainment industry especially.

Are your employees familiar with this policy?

The next part of the process is making certain that everyone who works for your company is familiar with your cyber security policy. It is your responsibility to make sure that everyone who works for you is aware of the critical role they play in terms of company security and the steps they need to uphold their responsibility. You also need to provide your workforce with adequate training so that they know how to implement the policy properly. After all, did you know that most breaches are insider attacks? While a very small portion are malicious attacks, the vast majority happen because an employer has accidentally given a hacker a way into the network without realizing it. Training and education can reduce the chances of this happening dramatically.

What methods of data protection do your utilize? 

You should be able to answer this question with confidence. You should be able to state all of the different methods you are using to protect your data, and you should know how they work. One solution is never enough. You need different methods for various types of data and mediums. For instance, to restrict access to confidential data, creating a Cardholder Data Environment is a good idea. You also need to make the most of two-factor authentication and data encryption too.

Have you adequately granted access privileges?

One of the biggest blunders you can make as a business owner is giving all of your workforce identical access to your technology and their network. Instead, certain employees (those who need it and can be trusted) should only have access to confidential data.

Do you have an incident recovery plan in place?

Finally, while we are all making an effort to make sure that we never have to react to a cyber attack because we should not have one to begin with, there is no denying that this could still happen despite your best efforts – even though you have reduced the risk dramatically! This is why you still need to have a recovery plan.

Hopefully, you now feel more prepared when it comes to protecting your business from cyber security threats in 2019. There is no denying that these threats are growing all of the time and protecting your business requires a dedicated effort. However, the alternative is much, much worse. Therefore, make sure you start 2019 off in the right way at your business by asking yourself the questions presented and making the necessary adjustments.