
Your Back-to-School Fitness Plan

Ah, the back-to-school feeling is already in the air. Your favorite street fashion brands are full of exciting new outfits to head back to work with a wow. It’s impossible to go grocery shopping without wondering if your life could be dramatically improved by a new unicorn pen – unless you prefer the cactus notebook. And finally, your hairstylist has hinted at the unique seasonal hues for September, you’ve fallen head over heels in love with an edgy but classic mushroom blond shade.

Welcome to the back-to-school period where you can give yourself a brand new start before the end of the year! Now’s the best time to renew your New Year’s Eve resolutions, especially the ones you didn’t manage to stick to. You know which one we’re talking about; what happened to your fitness plan? Don’t panic, though; you can still make it happen before Christmas! 

Time for new resolutions

The problem with resolutions is that your motivation doesn’t last, especially if you decide to approach your fitness journey alone. This time, use the back-to-school resolution to introduce motivational activities instead of a gym membership. For instance, you should consider joining an amateur sports team, as you as more likely to stick to your training appointments. Indeed, if you skip a day, it affects the team too! Besides, you can find motivation and encouragement with other players in a way that isn’t available in a gym studio. 

Change your commuting habits

Making fitness an integral part of your daily routine takes time. But you can trick yourself into being more active by switching your commuting routine. Indeed, if you live close to the office, you can consider cycling to work – click here to have a look at helmet protections. If you commute by train or bus, why not get down a couple of stops earlier so that you can walk the last stretch of the journey to the office? Drivers can also look into parking their car a little further to hit the 10,000 steps a day milestone. 

Everything that goes in my mouth goes in the book

There’s no point in staying active if you don’t pay attention to your diet. Indeed, getting fit is a combination of workouts and balanced meals. However, eating the right food for your body is not as easy as it seems. Most of us have a blind spot when it comes to food. That’s precisely why keeping a food diary is crucial to your fitness success. Keep your journal at hand all the time, as it’s going to become your friend on the path to a fitter you. Together, you’ll learn portion control, sugar-free alternatives, and how to curb emotional eating. 


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Identify the triggers that hurt your goals

Last but not least, life is full of positive and negative triggers. Keeping your eyes open to recognize how negative triggers affect your journey is the key to success. Stress, and a reward-seeking attitude, for instance, can influence your appetite and your motivation to exercise. However, if you know what is happening, you can rationalize the issue and work your way through it. 

There’s still plenty of time to kickstart your fitness plan before Christmas. Make sure to use the lessons from the failures of the past to create a strategy that works for your lifestyle, and that can curb your fitness demons!