Fayetteville Street Corridor-Hayti District Organizing Fellowships Available

DURHAM, NC – The Equitable Engagement Team (EET), dedicated to supporting the needs and desires of people residing along the Fayetteville Street Corridor, has opportunities for leaders in the district. EET is looking for 5 leaders living on or near Fayetteville Street (Hayti District) for a paid, 8-week Organizing Fellowship. This Fellowship will run from March 21st until May 23rd. There will be a mandatory interest meeting on Saturday, March 7th at 3:30 pm at Stanford L Warren Library for everyone interested in completing the Fellowship. (link for details, qualifications, requirements, compensation, etc. below)

EET’s Organizing Fellowship will focus on building and expanding the ability to utilize community power to influence the City of Durham’s development plans along the Fayetteville Street Corridor. It provides an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other passionate community leaders in the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative approaches to increase civic participation. The selected leaders’ knowledge of their community needs will be invaluable. 

Upon successful completion of this eight (8) week Fellowship, the 5 leaders will become members of the inaugural Fayetteville Street Leadership Team. This membership allows them to lead the planning and execution of events, training workshops and more. This initiative is sponsored by the City of Durham Neighborhood Services.

The anticipated time commitment is a total of 40 hours over 8 weeks (approximately 5 hours per week). Weekly work dates and times will be decided as a team at a planned retreat on March 21st. Scheduling of all meetings and events will be done in collaboration with the Leadership Team members to accommodate availability.

All Fellows will receive a stipend of $1200 for the eight (8) week program. Monthly bus passes, refreshments for weekly meetings, and childcare will be provided.

Women, people of color, LGBTQIA, elders, people with disabilities and those who have lived in the area for more than 10 years are strongly encouraged to apply. Please fill out this application (EE Leadership ADULT Application – English and EE Leadership ADULT Application – Spanish) and bring it to the interest meeting on March 7th at 3:30 pm at Stanford L. Warren Library (1201 Fayetteville St).

Applications with Fellowship requirements, qualifications, pay, hours, etc. (attached in English and Spanish) must be filled out and turned in during the interest meeting on March 7.  Applications are also available for pick up at the W.D. Hill Recreation Center.

Those who will attend the interest meeting should RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fayetteville-street-leadership-team-interest-meeting-tickets-95249125699?ref=eios

If you are unable to attend the interest meeting but remain extremely interested in participating, please contact the Equitable Engagement Team at 919-627-1122 or sending an email FSCengage@upstreamworks.org

With EET’s Organizing Fellowships, the Equitable Engagement Team furthers its beliefs that community organization, integration, and inclusive equitable representation are essential when working towards building a community in which all can thrive. 

Feature photo courtesy of hayti.org