health care

How Healthcare Workers Should Take Care Of Themselves During COVID-19

Whether you’re a nurse, doctor, or someone else working in the health care system, there have been few times in history that have broadly shown society just how important your role is. More people are showing appreciation to health care workers than ever before. However, there are also risks you need to be aware of and, for that reason, we need to look at how you can protect yourself.

Ensure your practice is taking it seriously

Whatever position you are in, you have an obligation to raise your concerns if you are worried that the practice you are working in is not taking the proper precautions to deal with COVID-19. The CDC has prepared a guide that outlines what practices should be doing to get ready for COVID-19. Consider reading it and seeing if your practice is meeting all of the requirements to be as safe and prepared as possible.

Be diligent when you get home

It is worth talking to your family about what you are going to do to ensure that everyone at home is kept as safe as possible. For many, this may mean taking off any clothes brought back from the workplace as soon as possible, putting them in the washing machine and running to the shower before you make contact with another individual in the home. If you have those with you who are particularly vulnerable, you may even want to talk about alternative living arrangements for the duration of the crisis.

Consider switching jobs if necessary

A lot of doctors, nurses, and workers in our health care system are going to do what they can to help throughout this crisis. However, many have dependants and families to be concerned about, including those who may be at greater risk like the elderly. As such, to protect your family, it may be worth looking at the database of jobs available that could take you out of the highest risk areas. You don’t have to leave the health care industry by any means, but you can help even if you’re not on the front lines of dealing with COVID-19.

Be mindful of your mental health

The emotional and mental health impacts of fear and anxiety about coronavirus are affecting a lot of people, but they are affecting workers in health care more than most. It is predicted by some that there may even be a widespread PTSD crisis in the medical community following this crisis. As such, it’s important to be able to deal with and manage your stress and anxiety as best as possible. Find stress management techniques that work for you, and be sure that you have someone to talk to when you need it.

Do not underestimate the risk that COVID-19 poses to those who work most closely with it. Whether you need to take extra precautions to ensure the safety of you and your family, or even to consider making a transition that might put you in less risk, it’s down to your judgment.

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