hire a lawyer

Abuse/Harassment/Neglect: Times When You Should Definitely Hire A Lawyer

We’ve all heard some type of criticism in the form of, “people are too eager to hire a lawyer and sue each other these days”, and many times that may be true, the reverse is also true. Many people forego legal action when they are completely justified – some might even argue morally obligated – to do so, because they are afraid of the costs involved, the stigma, embarrassment, and shame, or that it would put someone else in hardship if they did so. For this reason, many victims don’t see the justice they deserve. 

Below, we’ve outlined a few scenarios in which you one is absolutely justified in taking legal action, and several cases in which you definitely should hire a lawyer

Elder Abuse/Neglect

This is a huge problem all over, especially in the western world – nursing home abuse/neglect (and in some cases, even wrongful death), elder carer abuse and neglect, and more. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to share the view that our elders should be revered and respected. Our elderly are among the most vulnerable among us, often dealing with health issues, disease and disability, and therefore are so much more susceptible to abuse and neglect. 

If an aged person you love has been abused or neglected, you should absolutely look into legal action. We cannot continue to let things like nursing home abuse and neglect continue, and the only way to push for more strident measures is if people start hiring lawyers and holding the abusers accountable, whether they be a single person or a company. 

Workplace Harassment/Discrimination

If you’ve been harassed or discriminated against in the workplace, you might have decided that simply saying nothing is your best bet. You’ve worked hard at your job and you don’t want to compromise all you’ve put in by raising a fuss. Or perhaps you did say something, but the representatives at HR hushed up the case or advised you to remain silent. 

You don’t have to take harassment or discrimination lying down. You can seek legal counsel and hold your workplace accountable without sacrificing everything you’ve worked so hard for. Speaking out and holding people responsible for their actions will create a much safer and fairer workplace for everyone. And you will likely find that you are not alone. 

Healthcare Abuse/Neglect/Injury

The number of patients who have been a victim of harassment or neglect at the hands of a supposed caregiver are staggering, as are the number of people who have suffered bodily injury or medical malpractice at the hands of their healthcare providers. And yet, despite this, not that many people actually hire a lawyer and seek any kind of damages or settlement for their pain. Why is this?

Often people feel that going up against a doctor’s office or hospital is fighting an uphill battle. They fear the legal costs if they happen to lose the case, or worry that they are “making a fuss” and might ruin a doctor’s medical license if they speak out. 

The truth is, if someone has hurt, injured or harassed you when you were meant to be receiving care, you have a legal case. You should speak to a lawyer and get justice for your pain, injury, and trauma. Doctors and healthcare providers are meant to care for you, not to cause you further harm. 

You might also want to invest in nurse call systems that let you get help when you need it. While some staff might be prone to abusive behavior, it is unlikely that it will extend to everyone in the organization. Knowing that you have a system that you can use to call for help may discourage some of the more abusive or psychopathic staff from engaging in abuse. It also gives you a chance to ask for help if and when you need it. Systems with recording can provide further evidence to get abusive individuals removed from their jobs so they can’t hurt anyone else.


Many people are embarrassed when they find themselves the victim of things like cyberbullying, stalking and harassment from a former loved one. We often see these sorts of things as temporary embarrassments or “shallow” concerns that we may have brought on ourselves. But if you are being cyberbullied, threatened, harassed, doxxed, or stalked by someone, no matter if it’s solely online, in person or somewhere in between, you should take steps to protect yourself. Getting a TPO against any person who is threatening you or making you feel unsafe is a good idea and you should absolutely pursue the possibility of suing someone who has caused you mental or bodily harm. You may find that in doing so, you achieve justice for other victims as well. 

People have all sorts of ideas about the legal system and who is and isn’t entitled to justice. Ignore all the unsolicited opinions. If you feel that you have a legal case against someone who has harassed, neglected, abused, injured or otherwise victimized you or a loved one, seek out a lawyer today to get guidance and helpful advice. Nobody knows your case but you, and you deserve justice.