road trip

Four Keys To A Stress-Free Road Trip

Getting to your destination is exciting, but many people dread the road trip before that point. Here’s how you can make the trip practically stress-free.

Preparing to leave home on a trip takes a lot of brainpower. Remembering to pack your necessities is hard enough, and the prospect of a multi-hour drive only adds to your stress. Pile on the fear of traveling as COVID-19 continues to spread, and it all becomes overwhelming.

Stop, take a breath, and refocus. You can take advantage of these four keys to a stress-free road trip to truly enjoy the road.

Carefully Service Your Car

road tripBefore you embark on your trip, you need to ensure your vehicle is road-worthy. In the weeks before, pay special attention to any noises your car makes as you drive. This allows you to enlist the help of a trusted mechanic near you rather than deal with an impromptu repair in a foreign place.

Even if everything seems to run smoothly, there are several essential car maintenance services you should have someone check, one of which is the condition of your tires.

Pack Strategically

road trip
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa

Another key to a stress-free road trip is strategic packing. As a rule, pack less clothing than you want to. Leaving extra outfits behind helps you fit everything in without a struggle. When you gather everything, pack non-essential items at the bottom of the trunk. Put medicines, snacks, drinks, and pillows, within reach. This saves you the hassle of pulling over and losing precious time. Also, to avoid misplacing your things, pack as few loose items as you can.

Know Your Route and Stops

In addition, studying your route before you leave helps you anticipate certain phases of the road trip. If there is a section without many stops, plan a bathroom and potential meal break before reaching that leg. In the event that evening traffic near a big city could become an issue, beat the traffic by stopping when you’re beyond the oncoming logjam rather than before.

Build-in Some Margin for Error

Managing your road trip anxiety doesn’t just take a plan. It requires built-in time for inevitable delays. That way, when something pops up out of the blue, you don’t lose your cool. You can adapt to this change and focus on having fun with those you’re road tripping with.