
Ways To Make Science Class More Fun

STEM subjects are often difficult for students to get excited about. For science classes, a little creativity can go a long way to make science fun.

There are many ways to make science class more fun, such as by implementing hands-on experiments. Hands-on experiments are some of the best ways to teach a science class. Science can be a dry and confusing topic to understand just by reading a textbook. Letting students get their hands dirty helps them better visualize how concepts work and make science a class they look forward to.  

These experiments are a few simple ways to get your students involved.  

Cooking in Chemistry  

The root of cooking and baking is science, but many don’t think of it as such. Chemistry class is the perfect place for students to learn about chemical reactions through cooking. Have students decode chemical formulas to determine the ingredients and amounts needed in a recipe for sugar cookies. Or, you can have students make ice cream in class while demonstrating how the reaction of the ingredients causes the ice cream to freeze.  

Create a Hydroponic Garden  

scienceCreating a hydroponic garden only takes a few simple steps and the payoff for this year-long learning experience will be worth it. Students can learn about how hydroponic systems work as well as continue to use the system for growing a garden in class to learn about environmental topics like plants and soil.  

Use the Outdoors 

There are plenty of learning opportunities in the outdoors. There are so many environmental projects to do outside, such as identifying types of leaves or measuring the height of trees with just a pencil.  

There are plenty of outdoor experiments for other science subjects as well, such as making a solar oven with your students to cook s’mores while learning about solar energy or collecting some dirt and copper wire to operate a battery.  

These hands-on experiments are a surefire way to make science class more fun.