theater company

Beyond the Curtain: Starting a Theater Company

A business is something that should give happiness and fulfillment to many people. When you are looking to sell a product of sorts, you don’t necessarily have to go through the typical approaches. If you are someone who is creative, have you considered starting a theater company? It is one of those areas that may not seem to be a popular approach in the current state of affairs, but you must remember that it gives a voice to minorities, stimulate creativity in so many ways, but it also is a way to employ dozens of people with a wide variety of skills. If you have ever considered starting a theater company what do you need to consider?

The Work Is the Most Important Thing

It sounds obvious, but while you may be looking at the business side of things the final product is the only thing that matters. Everything else is just window dressing. Take some inspiration from people out there that have worked with companies across the world. A director like Travis Preston is someone who has tried his hand at everything. And while you can go to the Travis Preston Cal Arts site to get some inspiration, you must remember that the work is always the bottom line. Get inspiration from the people you admire and look at countless interviews. They will always speak about the artistic components, not the business.

Focus on Strong Partnerships

You want to give a voice to people who do not have a voice. This is, fundamentally, the very reason theater companies exist. If you are looking to create a company that gives a voice to the voiceless you’ll have to diversify your efforts and focus on strong partnerships. This is not just in an artistic sense but this is in terms of the funding that you can find. There are a wide variety of organizations that provide funding for companies that are looking to create social change. Think about the minority you belong to and then you will have established your identity. This will help you to create strong partnerships and work with like-minded individuals.

Don’t Think About Giving Up the Day Job

This isn’t always music to our ears, but we must remember that if we are looking to create a company that facilitates change that we got to be in it for the long haul. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should work in an office if you don’t want to. Many creatives find ways around their own theater company by working in careers they are passionate about. For example, many theater practitioners work as facilitators and go to schools, as well as teaching part-time. These are all things that can be fuel to the fire and help you fine-tune your skills. We have to remember that when we are starting our own business, whatever it may be, that everything is a learning lesson.

Theater is one of those areas that can seem like a hard one to break into. This is where creating your own company and making a mouthpiece for your own voice is the best approach.