
Steps to a Career in Politics

Politics in the United States is something that provides a lot of jobs, covering a range of areas and responsibilities. Jobs in politics are available in all different states, with salaries that are pretty steady, and benefits that come from being a government employee. If you like the sound of getting into a political career, then you need to know some steps to take to get yourself started and what kind of job role will best suit you.

You don’t have to go straight from college and into a career in politics. You can side-step from a number of roles into politics, whether that is from a business career, working in education, or from entrepreneurship. If you look at someone like Jorge Hank Rhon, who is currently running for the governor’s seat in Baja California, then you can see that he started out in business. So there are different avenues that you can take. Here are some other ways that you can pursue a career in politics, no matter where you are in your life at the moment.

Get qualified

If you want to get into a political career, even after another career, then you need to look at what you need to get qualified, if anything at all. The majority of politicians and employees working in politics come from a wide range of backgrounds with varying education levels. However, the basic level of qualification is to have at least a bachelor’s degree. When you have a degree, whether that be in something specific to politics, law, business, science, marketing, or other fields that work well, then it can be something that is hugely beneficial for employees. If you’re in college or have already been, then you could look to do some extracurriculars that will help you, such as getting involved with a debate team, a student body government, or other associations around activism.

Join a party

There are a range of political parties in the US, so if you have an interest in politics, then it can be a good idea to choose a party that best aligns with your personal politics or beliefs. No matter which party you choose, the end goal of all of them is to improve the country. So which political party would you consider joining? Even if you aren’t planning on becoming an individual in politics that needs to be elected, it is a good idea to think about the party that you want to associate with, and then, work for.

Get involved in your local government

When you know the political party that you side with, and you have the education, skills, and experience to begin your political career, then looking for a job in politics is the next natural step. One of the simplest ways to do this is by getting involved in your local government. You could start out with an entry-level position working in local government or the mayor’s office, for example. You could also get involved with government committees or involving yourself in work such as voter registration.