
4 Steps To Becoming A YouTube Gamer

The latest question that anyone of a certain age has come across more times than they count is ‘Why would you want to sit and watch someone else play video games?’ However, there is more to watching video gamers on YouTube than just entertainment. You get to hear someone else’s views on some of your favourite games and learn more about upcoming games that you have not played yet.

For YouTubers, they get to interact with a group of like-minded people, and you can even earn money from gaming on YouTube if you attract a large enough audience. So, why wouldn’t you want to give YouTube gaming a try? The only hurdle in your way maybe not knowing how to start. Fortunately, the steps below should help.

Step 1: Find Your Voice

Since there are so many YouTube gamers out there already, you may wonder why you should even bother adding your talents to an already dominated space. However, pay attention to some of the most popular gaming channels on YouTube and you will notice that they all have one thing in common. Every good YouTube gamer has something unique that they offer.YYou

The unique thing that you choose to offer may include the types of video games that you play, your personality, or a wealth of knowledge that only you have access to. This unique aspect will become your voice, and it is a voice that attracts viewers to your videos over other YouTubers. As any fan of YouTube gaming knows, watching people play video games on YouTube is about more than watching someone play video games.

Step 2: Pick A Name

You may think that a YouTube channel name is just a series of random letters or numbers submitted in the hopes that the name hasn’t already been taken. Pay a bit more attention; however, and you will notice that a good YouTube name reveals a little bit more about the channel than you would realize otherwise. The name may point toward what type of videos the creator uploads or a bit more about the voice discussed above,

If you understand how SEO works, you can tailor your name or the titles of some of your videos to ensure they appear more often among specific search parameters. You will also want to put this level of detail into your channel logo and page design.

Step 3: Use The Right Equipment

Your first goal when you start out as a YouTube gamer should be to ensure that you can upload regular videos. Therefore, the right equipment should include the right tools that work.

While there are probably microphones and video-capturing software out there that is better than others, you can always choose to invest in those later. Your main focus at the start should be getting yourself established. This means researching a basic setup or even finding a way to record your iPhone screen. Mobile gaming is a huge market, after all.

Step Four: Upload Weekly

A YouTuber doesn’t just have to appeal to an audience of viewers. You will also have to appease the YouTube algorithm. This algorithm is used to recommend videos and channels to viewers of similar content. It also sifts through content to make sure it is suitable for the site. That is why you never encounter successful YouTube gamers that upload content containing graphic violence or swearing.

One thing that the YouTube algorithm likes to avoid is dead or irrelevant channels. That is why you will need to upload regularly to ensure that your videos are being recommended to other viewers on the site. Recommendations are the best way to grow your channel, so you will want to meet the criteria to become a successful YouTube gamer. An established YouTube channel will upload a new video every day, but you can choose to upload one video a week to avoid being ignored by the YouTube algorithm.

Step 5: Interact With Your Viewers

Creating YouTube videos regularly with a distinct voice is a great way to attract viewers, but how can you ensure that your viewers return? YouTube features a comment section for a reason. You can use this part of your channel to receive recommendations from your fans or just chat with people in general. Doing this when you have some free time shows that you care about your viewers making it more likely that they will return to your content in the future.

The YouTube algorithm also scans video comment sections. This means that you can avoid being identified as a dead channel and receive more recommendations by interacting with your viewers.


Becoming a YouTube gamer is no longer as easy as it once was, and there is no guarantee that you will find financial success in this area. However, you can use the steps above to find your footing in the space and start obtaining a following on YouTube.