
UNLEASHED: Why Wax Year Round?

Many people feel that waxing is only necessary during the summer months. They figure that bathing suit season is the only time to invest in waxing services because during the cold winter months their body is not as visible to others.

Actually, those who wax in the warmer months should not stop when the weather turns cold. Furthermore, those who have not yet tried waxing are actually better off by starting now. There are many benefits to year-round waxing. We highly encourage this practice, and to avoid being a fair-weather ‘waxer’. To help illustrate these advantages, we have compiled the top 5 reasons to continue waxing in winter.

Reason 1: The Stages of Hair Growth

The primary goal most people have for waxing is to eliminate or substantially reduce hair growth in certain areas of the body. By waxing only in the warmer months, it is interrupting the progress of hair removal through waxing. The reason for this is that our hair grows in three stages.

Our hair is either growing, lies dormant, or is falling out on its own. Also, depending on the length of your hairs, and whether they are exposed, near the surface of the skin, or far beneath the surface, it may take several treatments to obtain the results you want. By continuing to wax in the winter, you are giving yourself a chance to take care of those stubborn hairs before summer returns.

waxingReason 2: Healthier Skin

In the winter, the cold, dry, and heated air bombards our skin and cause dryness, flaking and tightening. When you wax, it provides your damaged skin with many benefits. First, it exfoliates dead skin. It also encourages new skin growth at the cellular level. Finally, it increases blood circulation to the surface of the skin. These benefits combine to help soften and moisturize your skin and eliminate the itchiness, leaving your skin healthy and beautiful.

Reason 3: Less Pain!

It is no secret that removing unwanted hair can be painful. You may be hesitant to continue waxing to endure it as little as possible. Alternatively, you may avoid starting to wax altogether. It is important to understand that the more often you wax, the less painful it will be.

Every time you wax, you are weakening the roots of your hair. Your skin recovers more quickly. New hair growth will come in finer, and will be thinner. Keeping up your waxing routine year round does not give your hair and skin the chance to revert backward. Soon, waxing becomes relatively pain-free when you do not stop for months at a time.

Reason 4: You Feel Better

When you wax, and you can enjoy the sexy-smooth skin free from unwanted stubble, you just feel better. It gives you more self-confidence. It makes you feel more comfortable. There is no reason to deprive yourself of this when you are more covered up. Enjoy feeling good all year and keep up your routine.

Reason 5: Prevent Ingrown Hairs and Don’t Ruin What You’ve Worked For

In the winter, there are times when we want to look good in a skirt. It may be a holiday party, a night out with your man, or just a desire to feel cleaner and more comfortable. If we are not waxing, the next best thing is to shave. The problem is by doing so; you ruin the effect of the waxing you did throughout the summer. Shaving significantly increases the likelihood that your hair will be blunted. When this happens, it is an invitation for painful ingrown hairs and other issues. Also, as we mentioned in Reason 3, it can undo the benefits that regular waxing provides.

It really doesn’t matter if you already wax in the summer, or if you are looking to wax for the first time. Winter is actually an excellent time for waxing services. For those continuing the process, it offers the many benefits listed. For those just starting, it is a perfect opportunity to start. The reason is that it usually takes several waxing sessions before your skin is completely adjusted to the process, and the bumps and irritation from previous shavings are gone. By starting the process in the winter, your skin will be silky smooth and breathtakingly beautiful just in time to show it off when the warm weather arrives.

Don’t make the mistake of quitting your routine. Don’t avoid starting one. Winter is a phenomenal time to wax, and the benefits will be both clearly seen and felt.

Book Your Waxing and Hair Removal Appointment Now!

Call The Aura Galleria at 919.419.9868