4 Easy Ways To Manage Feelings Of Anxiety

In the past couple of years, conversations about mental health have really opened up and it’s now becoming clear that a lot of people are struggling. Most of us will have a mental health issue of some kind during our lives and anxiety is one of the most widespread problems that people face right now. Feelings of anxiety are normal sometimes but in many people, it becomes a regular occurrence until they are experiencing constant feelings of anxiety, and that can have a big impact on their lives. If you have an anxiety issue, the best thing to do is speak with your doctor and they will be able to connect you with services that can offer talking therapies and in some cases, they may give you medication to ease the symptoms. 



But it’s important that you learn to tackle feelings of anxiety before things get that bad if you want to maintain good mental health in the long term. Finding simple ways of reducing those feelings of anxiety on a daily basis is the best way to stop yourself from developing a more serious mental health problem. If you get anxious a lot and you think it may be an issue, these are some of the best ways to deal with it. 

Reduce Stress 

Stress is the most common cause of anxiety in most people. We all live very busy lives and our work lives, in particular, are more demanding because people are on the clock 24/7 checking emails and working on the go. But if you don’t give yourself time to relax and distress, that’s when you’re going to start developing a more serious problem with anxiety. Reducing your overall stress levels and prioritizing your own personal time for relaxation is key to maintaining good mental health. If you feel that you are struggling at work and your workload is simply too high, you should try speaking with your employer to see if there is anything that you can do. It’s also important that you switch off from work properly when you come home so that means no working late at home or even answering emails because you’re not really giving yourself a break if you do that. 

On top of that, you need to find ways to relax and unwind, whatever that means for you. It might be listening to music, reading, watching TV or maybe going for a run. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you find activities that help to reduce your stress. 

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to curb severe feelings of anxiety and get them under control, especially if you’re prone to panic attacks. There are some simple breathing exercises that you can try on a daily basis or whenever you feel particularly anxious, and they can make a big difference. When people are particularly anxious, they are likely to take lots of short, sharp breaths and that actually increases feelings of anxiety. But if you slow down and take some deep breaths for a few minutes, you will notice yourself beginning to feel a lot calmer. 


The legalization of marijuana is a contentious subject and there is still a lot of debate about the health benefits. However, a lot of people do maintain that it can help with anxiety if used properly. If you live in a place where it has been legalized, you can get a marijuana grow kit to use at home. You may find that it relaxes you and helps to get over those feelings of anxiety when used in moderation. Having said that, it can actually increase feelings of anxiety in some people, so you need to make sure that you’re using it carefully and if it doesn’t work for you, stop before it makes the issue worse. 

Cut Back On Caffeine 

Most of us drink coffee on a daily basis but if you’re drinking too much, it could be increasing your feelings of anxiety quite a bit. If you’re the kind of person that can’t make it through the day without drinking 5 cups of coffee, it may be worth cutting back a little. Don’t forget about caffeinated soft drinks either because a lot of people make the mistake of switching coffee for something else that contains just as much caffeine, if not more, than their regular coffee. It’s not likely that caffeine is the cause of the anxiety so it won’t solve the issue but it may reduce the symptoms if you cut it out. 

These are all simple ways of managing feelings of anxiety but if you feel as though things are getting on top of you, you should always seek advice from a doctor.