Resources For Faith Leaders In The Wake Of COVID-19

For faith leaders, recent CDC guidance about restricting gatherings of 50+ people, in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, has put an enormous strain on all of our rhythms of life.

For pastors and church leaders who regularly lead gatherings of 50+, this news presents challenges to the way many operate and gather together for worship. Values Partnerships wanted to pass along the information below in the hope that some of it is helpful.

I.  Live Streaming for Services and Meetings

You may already have live-streaming setup. If you don’t, you can use services like Facebook LiveYouTube LiveGoogle Meet, and Zoom for free or relatively low cost. Here is an article that walks through some of these services: A Beginner’s Guide to Church Live Streaming

Google is making the professional version of Google Hangouts Meet available for FREE. Here are instructions for setting up Google video streaming.

II.  Virtual Giving

We also know live streaming church services without providing ways for people to give online will affect the operations and services of a congregation. Here’s a good article on the five best online giving platforms.

PayPalVenmo, or CashApp might be easiest at first. Planning CenterTithe.lyEasyTitheRebelGive and GiveLify position themselves as longer-term solutions.

III. Caring Communication

As leaders, you have to communicate clearly and effectively to allay fears and misinformation. We found these websites, articles, and resources helpful as we seek to understand and adjust to this virus.

The Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College and National Association of Evangelicals are hosting a free digital summit on March 26 & 27 for church leaders responding to COVID-19. Register and learn more here

The website – contains information from the CDC and pastors and faith leaders for best practices for leading a congregation in the midst of COVID-19.  Another great article to help with preparation for services.

Below are helpful articles and a video explaining the science behind the need for social distancing:

Washington Post: Why Outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially and how to “flatten the curve 

Praxis Labs: Love in the Time of Coronavirus

Sojourners: American Individualism vs. Loving Your Neighbor

New York Times: The Christian Response to the Coronavirus: Stay Home