
Prostate Cancer: The Silent Killer Of Men

Thankfully there has been a detachment from the stigma of breast cancer in the modern world. Women are not afraid to speak out about cancer that specifically targets their bodies and the consequences of it. This is something that took many years and even decades to come to fruition. Why hasn’t the same happened for men regarding prostate cancer? It’s a disease that specifically targets men and yet, the same can’t be said for how open men are when it comes to talking about it. It’s a mixture of a lack of education on the subject, societal pressures, and the mental health aspect that largely goes unseen.


What are the symptoms? 

The main cause of prostate cancer flying underneath the radar is, men tend to cope silently. They may not even understand what is wrong with them, but they feel the effects of it. Here are the symptoms of prostate cancer that you need to be wary of.

  • A weak flow of urine and waste. In other words, it’s harder to push the waste from your body.
  • You find yourself urinating more often and you are sometimes stuck with the sudden urge to pee.
  • You have trouble feeling whether or not your bladder has fully emptied or not.
  • There is blood in your urine or even blood in your semen.


Causes of prostate cancer

Men who aren’t sure whether they may have it or are at risk of having it will need to study the causes of prostate cancer.

  • The main reason is age. If you’re over 50, you’re inherently at more risk of being diagnosed.
  • If you are of a particular ethnic group, such as African-Caribbean, you could be at more risk than someone who is Asian.
  • Family history. Check throughout your relatives to see if they ever suffered from this type of cancer.
  • Obesity is a big concern as more weight around your bowels and pelvis makes it more likely you need to strain to empty your bowels.
  • A diet that is high in calcium is directly linked to increased chances of developing prostate cancer. So eat fewer red meat dishes.
Where to get help

Many men will be embarrassed to ask for help when it comes to such a sensitive part of their body. That’s why you should read the peer-reviewed Oncotarget cancer research journal. There are lots of interesting and detailed articles that explore all types of cancer. You can educate yourself on prostate cancer and what kind of treatment developments are being made.

You should also speak with your healthcare provider, over the phone or by email. Just have an initial contact, explaining that you think you might have some symptoms of prostate cancer. Ask if they could give you some at-home tests or checks to do, to make sure it is what you think it is, before needing to come in and have a physical.

Men, it’s time to stop ignoring this silent killer. You should never feel ashamed or embarrassed about your health concerns, particularly when it’s as serious as prostate cancer.