
Six Design Tips For An Inspiring Office

Do you love your office? How does your workspace make you feel? Chances are if you aren’t enjoying or feeling inspired by the place that you work in, then your employees aren’t feeling it either. If your employees don’t like the space that they work in, it has a real impact on their productivity and how well you can create a successful business. It’s important to invest in a beautiful, well-designed office that is made to motivate and inspire your team. How do you design an inspiring office space?

A well-designed office, both in terms of its function and aesthetics, can inspire your employees and any visitors to your workplace. You can take inspiration from design trends, other offices that you like the style of, and industry experts like Paul Ognibene to help you embrace great design for your office, and create somewhere that is much more inspiring to be.

Add More Color

Most offices don’t use a lot of colors, opting for white walls and neutral tones. This looks clean but doesn’t inspire creative thought. Instead, you can use office colors strategically, as people can experience different emotions and feelings when they’re exposed to different colors. For example, red can make people feel a sense of excitement, whereas blue and green can encourage relaxation, hopefulness, and calm. You could also try decorating with your brand colors.

Create Designated Lounge Spaces

Lounge spaces designated for breaks and relaxation, with comfortable seating and a relaxing setup, inspired by a coffee shop or cafe, will allow both the mind and the body to relax. By allowing space for this, employees can take breaks when they need to, which improves productivity and their ability to focus while at work.

Use Adaptable Furniture

Look for office furniture that is comfortable, but that can also be moved around easily and has multiple uses. By using furniture like this, you can encourage collaboration without sacrificing focus and worker well-being. People can easily move things around so they can sit comfortably with others when they work together.

Allow Use Of Co-Working Spaces

Create spaces around the office for people to work together. They can be used for collaboration, co-working, and meetings. People who use co-working spaces every day or at least some days during the week will feel like they are part of a larger community and see their work as much more meaningful. Workers who feel like this are more productive and feel more fulfilled by their work.

Provide Quiet Zones For Individual Work

Everyone needs quiet sometimes to work to the best of the ability. Offices can be noisy places, so make sure you provide a quiet zone for people to retreat to if they need to really concentrate, with noise levels between 48 and 52 decibels.

Incorporate Plants

Add office plants to improve both the aesthetics of your office and the air quality. While you’re thinking about wellness tricks that you can use in the office, you could also think about adding health-focused furniture, like standing desks and stability ball chairs.

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