
Transform Your Garage in 4 Simple Steps

The garage is one of the most underused spaces in the home. It is generally used as a messy storage space where old furniture and broken appliances are left to gather dust, but this is such a wasted opportunity. A garage is essentially an extra room in your house, and you can do absolutely anything with it that you like, including creating overhead garage storage.

You could turn it into an office, a workshop, a gym, or even a second bedroom. Your imagination is your only limit. Even if you use it to store your car and other essential items, there is no doubt so much more you could do with the extra space. If you want to get more out of your garage, here are four tips to help you transform it into a brand new space.

Clean it out

The first, and arguably the most difficult, step to transforming your garage is to give it a good clean. Garages accumulate a lot of clutter over the years. It tends to be the place where homeowners throw items that are unused and unwanted but can’t quite bring themselves to throw out completely. It’s important to be strict at this stage and get rid of anything that doesn’t have a clear use. If it’s been lying there untouched for years, you probably won’t get around to fixing it. It doesn’t matter whether you take it to a landfill, donate it, or burn it; this is the most important step as you are leaving behind only the essential items and creating valuable space for future use. Once you’ve removed the clutter, your garage will need a good clean. Garage floors can be filthy places, so using a pressure washer or air compressor is a good idea. You can find jet washers and rotary vane air compressors for sale at a bargain if you shop around.

Add smart storage

Once your garage is clean, your next step is to free up even more space. You will no doubt have household tools and appliances that are necessary and used frequently. But rather than having these lying around, the best solution is to invest in smart storage that will keep it out of the way. Adding shelves high up on the wall allows you to keep items within reach but out of the way. Storage boxes that fit neatly under tables and on shelves are other great ways to clear up much-needed floor space.

Upgrade the flooring

The one single action that will transform a garage more than any other is changing up the flooring. Garages usually come as standard with dusty concrete floors, but adding a new covering of tile, hardwood, or carpet, will immediately breathe new life into the space and make it much more habitable.

Make it your own

The final step is to add furniture, decorations, and other items to give your new space its function. This will completely depend on your vision for your new garage space. Add character and personality with a splash of paint and some attractive artwork. Incorporate furniture to make it a more comfortable living space, and any other items you need to finish it off.

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