
3 Reasons You Find Exercising So Hard (Whether New or Experienced)

Exercising is one of the things that everybody has a love-hate relationship with, regardless of how long they’ve been doing it. Sticking to an exercise program is not easy, even for those who have been at it for years. Things get in the way, not to mention the fact that bad habits start to creep in as we get older. And before we realize it, we put many obstacles in our path without thinking about it. If you have trouble sticking to any workout or even starting one, some of the reasons below may provide light on the subject.

Are You Making it Too Difficult for Yourself?

exercisingIf you have started back again after a long break, you must remember that working out has to start from a place where it is something you have a slight bit of control over. One of the biggest mistakes we all make is thinking we are in better shape than we are. Also, we think that we should be in better shape than we are. And when we start to do too much too soon, we try to make up for lost time or think that it’s going to happen really quickly. But the reality is that when we start to pick the right exercises, we need to ease in. You may think that you want to get back on your road bike and hit the tracks right away, but it’s crucial to remember that even if you were a daredevil bike rider 20 years ago, your body has changed. Think about starting slow, and going for a little ride, just to get used to it, and see if muscle memory kicks in.

The Workouts Don’t Fit Your Current Life

exercisingWe think that in order to see any benefits of exercising we’ve got to hit the gym almost every single day. But if we were to hit the gym five days a week, our life would suffer in other ways. Therefore, we end up skipping workouts. But this is where we have to consider the cumulative effects of exercise, but also realizing how many days per week can we really work out. Look at your life, and look at your natural peaks and troughs in energy. The reality might be that you only have one evening a week for exercising, and it may only be an hour. The fact is that if you are struggling for time, there’s always a way to squeeze some type of workout in to suit your needs. For example, high-intensity interval training, super slow, or doing something that you enjoy.

You Choose Exercises You Don’t Like

While we can argue that we shouldn’t enjoy working out, the reality is that if we are to stick to a regime, we must choose something that we like. We can hate exercises, but we have to adjust our attitude to fit the goal. Sometimes, working out can be about having fun. But this is why you need to choose exercises that you like, especially if you have specific goals. If you like to challenge yourself, you may want to choose something a bit more intense, like P90X or Insanity Training. On the other hand, if you get bored easily, boot camp workouts could help.

As you can see, starting an exercise routine can be difficult, but you have to overcome your mental blocks.